The plugin supports the Google Closure Compiler and UglifyJS compilers for Javascript minification and Reducisaurus for CSS minification.
This module was forked from JsMinifier.
Windows / Linux default key binding:
ctrl + alt + m
- attempts to minify the current buffer and replaces the buffers content
ctrl + alt + shift + m
- attempts to minify the current buffer and saves the output to a separate file.
MacOSX default key binding:
⌘ + alt + m
- attempts to minify the current buffer and replaces the buffers content
⌘ + alt + shift + m
- attempts to minify the current buffer and saves the output to a separate file.
Without Git: Download the latest source from GitHub and copy the whole directory into the Packages directory. Make sure folder name is "Minifier".
With Git: Clone the repository in your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory, located somewhere in user's "Home" directory:
`git clone git://`
The "Packages" packages directory is located at:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/
~/.Sublime Text 2/Packages/
%APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/