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OpenBIS Scripts User Documentation

OpenBIS Statistics and Data Model

In order to interact with openBIS, the parameters for the application server URL, the user and their password, have to be provided.

In order to interact with data in openBIS (upload or download), a data store (dss) URL needs to be provided, as well.

Everything but the password can be provided via the config file (config.txt):

Keep in mind that you have to edit the config file or provide these parameters via command line, if you want to use different users or connect to different openBIS instances.

Refer to the help of the respective command or the examples below for more details.

Finding Datasets

The list-data command can be used to list Datasets in openBIS and some of their metadata based on the experiment or sample they are attached to. Experiments or samples are specified by their openBIS code or identifier.

The optional 'space' parameter can be used to only show datasets found in the provided space.

Example command:

java -jar scripts.jar list-data /SPACY/PROJECTX/TEST_PATIENTS1 -config config.txt --openbis-pw

Example output:

reading config
Querying experiment in all available spaces...
Query is not an object code, querying for: TEST_PATIENTS1 instead.
[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @6997ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Found 4 datasets for experiment TEST_PATIENTS1:
patientIDs: ID 4930-72,ID 4931-79
ID: 20241014000813459-189089 (/TEST_PATIENTS1)
Uploaded by Friedrich Andreas (10-14-24 20:58:13)

patientIDs: ID 4930-72,ID 4931-79
ID: 20241000010001025-189090 (/SPACY/RPOJECTX/TEST_PATIENTS1)
Uploaded by Friedrich Andreas (10-14-24 21:00:01)

Showing Space Statistics

The Statistics command can be used to list the number of collections, sample objects and attached datasets by type for one or all spaces accessible by the user.

The --space command can be used to only show the objects in a specific openBIS space.

An output file for the resulting list can be specified using the --out command.

By default, openBIS settings objects and material spaces are ignored. This can be overwritten using --show-settings.

Example command:

java -jar scripts.jar statistics -config config.txt --openbis-pw

Example output:

Querying samples in all available spaces...
Experiments (9):


Samples (316):


Attached datasets (30):


Showing Sample Hierarchy

The Sample Types command queries all sample types and prints which types are connected and how often (via samples existing in the queried openBIS instance), creating a sample type hierarchy.

The --space option can be used to only show the sample-types used in a specific openBIS space.

An output file for the resulting hierarchy can be specified using the --out command.

Example command:

java -jar scripts.jar statistics -config config.txt --openbis-pw

Example output:

Querying samples in all available spaces...
05_MS_RUN (1)

Upload/Download and Interaction with PEtab

Uploading general data

The Upload Dataset command can be used to upload a Dataset to openBIS and connect it to existing datasets.

To upload a dataset, the path to the file or folder and the object ID to which it should be attached need to be provided. Objects can be experiments or samples.

Parent datasets can be specified using the --parents command.

If the specified object ID or any of the specified parent datasets cannot be found, the script will stop and return an error message.

The dataset type of the new dataset in openBIS can be specified using the --type option, otherwise the type "UNKNOWN" will be used.

Example command:

java -jar scripts.jar upload-data /SPACY/PROJECTX/MY_SAMPLE -t ATTACHMENT -config config.txt --openbis-pw

Example output:

Parameters verified, uploading dataset...

Dataset 20241021125328024-689105 was successfully attached to experiment`

Downloading a PEtab dataset

The Download PEtab command can be used to download a PEtab Dataset from openBIS and store some additional information from openBIS in the metaInformation.yaml file (or a respective yaml file containing 'metaInformation' in its name).

The Dataset to download is specified by providing the openBIS dataset identifier (code) and the PEtab is downloaded to the download path parameter provided.

By design, the Dataset Identifier is added to the downloaded metaInformation.yaml as 'openBISId' in order to keep track of the source of this PEtab.

Uploading a PEtab dataset

The Upload PEtab command can be used to upload a PEtab Dataset to openBIS and connect it to its source files if these are stored in the same openBIS instance and referenced in the PEtabs metadata.

To upload a PEtab dataset, the path to the PEtab folder and the experiment ID to which it should be attached need to be provided.

The dataset type of the new dataset in openBIS can be specified using the --type option, otherwise the type "UNKNOWN" will be used.

The script will search the metaInformation.yaml for the entry "openBISSourceIds:" and attach the new dataset to all the datasets with ids in the following blocks found in this instance of openBIS:

    - 20210702093837370-184137
    - 20220702100912333-189138

If one or more dataset identifiers are not found, the script will stop without uploading the data and inform the user.

Interaction with SEEK instances

In order to interact with SEEK, the parameters for the server URL, the user (usually an email address) and their password, have to be provided.

In order to interact with openBIS (transfer of data and metadata), the respective credentials need to be provided, as well.

Everything but the passwords can be provided via the config file (e.g. config.txt):

Furthermore, names of default project and investigation in SEEK can be provided:

  • seek_default_project=seek_test
  • seek_default_investigation=default_investigation

In order to keep track of samples transferred from openBIS, the script will try to transfer the openBIS identifier of each sample to an additional SEEK sample type attribute (more details in the section Transferring Sample Types to SEEK).

Its name can be specified in the config:

  • seek_openbis_sample_title=openBIS Name

In order to create certain objects in SEEK, user-provided mappings need to be provided via property files placed in the same folder as the .jar. These are:

Here, openBIS experiment type codes are mapped to the assay class needed to create assay objects in SEEK. Example entries:


Here, openBIS experiment type codes are mapped to the assay type property needed to create assay objects in SEEK. Example entry:


Other fitting assay types can be found using the JERM ontology browser:

Here, openBIS dataset type codes are mapped to the asset type created in SEEK. Example entries:


Refer to the help of the respective command or the examples below for more details.

Transferring Sample Types to SEEK

The Sample Type Transfer command transfers sample types and their attributes from an openBIS to a SEEK instance.

In order to do this, a mapping of the respective data types/sample attribute types needs to be specified. This can be found (and changed) in the provided property file openbis_datatype_to_seek_attributetype.xml:

    <entry type="REAL">
            <seek_title>Real number</seek_title>

Each entry type denotes the data type in openBIS. Note that SEEK needs the identifier of the respective sample attribute type (here: 3 for Float) in its database. Any changes to the file need to reflect this.

The available types and their identifiers can be queried at the endpoint sample_attribute_types. For example: http://localhost:3000/sample_attribute_types

When transferring openBIS sample types, the command will automatically add a mandatory title attribute to the sample type in SEEK. This title will be filled with the identifier of the openBIS sample object (not sample type!) will be added. The attribute name is specified in the config file and should selected before sample types are transferred to the respective instance:

  • seek_openbis_sample_title=openBIS Name

By default, only sample types (not samples!) with names not already found in SEEK will be transferred and the user will be informed if duplicates are found. The option --ignore-existing can be used to transfer existing sample types a second time, although it is recommended to only use this option for testing purposes.

Transferring openBIS objects and files to SEEK

The OpenBIS to Seek command transfers metadata and (optionally) data from openBIS to SEEK. Experiments, samples and dataset information are always transferred together (as assays, samples and one of several asset types in SEEK).

The script will try to find the provided openbis ID in experiments, samples or datasets and fetch any missing information to create a SEEK node containing at least one assay (when an experiment without samples and datasets is specified).

The seek-study needs to be provided to attach the assay. TODO: This information is also used to decide if the node(s) should be updated (if they exist for the provided study) or created anew.

Similarly, the title of the project in SEEK where nodes should be added, can either be provided via the config file as 'seek_default_project' or via the command line using the --seek-project option.

Info in the created asset(s) always links back to the openBIS path of the respective dataset. The data itself can be transferred and stored in SEEK using the '-d' flag.

To completely exclude some dataset information from being transferred, a file ('--blacklist') containing dataset codes (from openBIS) can be specified. //TODO do this for samples/sample types

In order to store links to the newly created SEEK objects in the source openBIS instance, the following sample type is needed:

Sample Type Code: EXTERNAL_LINK
Property: URL (VARCHAR)

EXTERNAL_LINK samples are added to transferred experiments and samples and point to their respective counterparts in SEEK. If the sample type is not available, this will be logged.

Updating nodes in SEEK based on updates in openBIS

Updating nodes in SEEK uses the same general command, parameters and options. Unless otherwise specified (--no-update flag), the command will try to update existing nodes in SEEK (recognized by openBIS identifiers in their metadata, as well as the provided study name).

The updating of a node-structure is done based on the following rules:

  1. if an assay contains the openBIS permID of the experiment AND is attached to specified study, its samples and assets are updated
  2. samples are created, if the openBIS name of the respective sample is not found in a sample attached to the assay in question
  3. samples are updated, if their openBIS name is found in a sample attached to the asset and at least one sample attribute is different in openBIS and SEEK
  4. assets attached to the experiment or samples will be created, if they are missing from this assay
  5. no existing sample or assets are deleted from SEEK, even if they are missing from openBIS

Example command:

java -jar scripts.jar openbis-to-seek /MYSPACE/PROJECTY/00_P_INFO_691 mystudy -d -config config.txt --openbis-pw --seek-pw

Example output:

Transfer openBIS -> SEEK started.
Provided openBIS object: /MYSPACE/PROJECTY/00_P_INFO_691
Provided SEEK study title: mystudy
No SEEK project title provided, will search config file.
Transfer datasets to SEEK? true
Update existing nodes if found? true
Connecting to openBIS...
Searching for specified object in openBIS...
Search successful.
Connecting to SEEK...
Collecting information from openBIS...
Translating openBIS property codes to SEEK names...
Creating SEEK structure...
Trying to find existing corresponding assay in SEEK...
Found assay with id 64
Updating nodes...
Mismatch found in Gender attribute of /MYSPACE/PROJECTY/00_P_INFO_691. Sample will be updated.
http://localhost:3000/assays/64 was successfully updated.


While the creation of RO-Crates is not fully implemented, the command creates a folder and metadata structure based on OpenBIS experiment, sample and dataset information. The command works similarly to the OpenBIS to Seek command, with the difference that no SEEK instance and fewer mapping parameters need to be provided (there will be no references to existing study or project objects in SEEK).

The script will try to find the provided openbis ID in experiments, samples or datasets and fetch any missing information to create a folder structure in the provided ro-path containing at least one assay's information (when an experiment without samples and datasets is specified).

Assets (files and their ISA metadata) are stored in a folder named like the openBIS dataset code they are part of, which is either the subfolder of the experiment (assay), or the subfolder of a sample, depending on where the dataset was attached in openBIS.

Info in the created asset .jsons always links back to the openBIS path of the respective dataset. The data itself can be downloaded into the structure using the '-d' flag.

To completely exclude some dataset information from being transferred, a file ('--blacklist') containing dataset codes (from openBIS) can be specified. //TODO do this for samples/sample types

Example command:

java -jar scripts.jar ro-crate /TEMP_PLAYGROUND/TEMP_PLAYGROUND/TEST_PATIENTS1 my-ro-crate -config config.txt --openbis-pw -d

Example output:

reading config
Transfer openBIS -> RO-crate started.
Pack datasets into crate? true
Connecting to openBIS...
Searching for specified object in openBIS...
Search successful.
Collecting information from openBIS...
Translating openBIS structure to ISA structure...
Writing sample json for /TEMP_PLAYGROUND/TEMP_PLAYGROUND/00_P_INFO_670490.
Writing sample json for /TEMP_PLAYGROUND/TEMP_PLAYGROUND/00_P_INFO_670491.
Writing asset json for file in dataset 20241014205813459-689089.
Downloading dataset file to asset folder.
Writing asset json for file in dataset 20241014210001025-689090.
Downloading dataset file to asset folder.
Writing asset json for file in dataset 20241014205813459-689089.
Downloading dataset file to asset folder.
Writing asset json for file in dataset 20241021191109163-689109.
Downloading dataset file to asset folder.

Creates structure:

    ├── 20241021125328024-689105
    │        ├──
    │        └──
    │        └── TEMP_PLAYGROUND_TEMP_PLAYGROUND_00_P_INFO_670490.json
    │        ├── 20241014210317842-689092
    │        │       ├── scripts-new.jar
    │        │       └── scripts-new.jar.json
    │        ├── 20241021173011602-689108
    │        │       └── smol_petab
    │        │           ├── metaInformation.yaml
    │        │           └── metaInformation.yaml.json
    │        ├── 20241021191109163-689109
    │        │       ├── testfile_100
    │        │       └── testfile_100.json
    │        └── TEMP_PLAYGROUND_TEMP_PLAYGROUND_00_P_INFO_670491.json

Caveats and Future Options