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Fix: .gitignored dirs should be excluded from workspace, pedanticPack…
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…ages should handle gitignore patterns with leading slash (#1222)

* /.spago in .gitignore caused pedanticPackages to spuriously fail
* respect .gitignore patterns individually, rather than the whole file
  • Loading branch information
cakekindel authored May 29, 2024
1 parent c68808a commit 6c9e1af
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Showing 11 changed files with 145 additions and 184 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Other improvements:
- builds with Cabal successfully
- update to latest `versions` dependency:
- Fix output truncation with `--json-errors`, many warnings and build failure (#1199)
- Fixed globbing issue where `/.spago` behaves differently than `.spago` in `.gitignore`

## [0.21.0] - 2023-05-04

Expand Down
142 changes: 0 additions & 142 deletions spago.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -356,148 +356,6 @@ workspace:
- unsafe-coerce
- variant
- versions
path: perftest
- aff
- arrays
- codec-argonaut
- console
- js-date
- lists
- node-fs
- node-path
- node-process
- optparse
- ordered-collections
- record
- refs
- registry-lib
- spago
- spago-core
- unsafe-coerce
test_dependencies: []
- aff
- aff-promise
- affjax
- affjax-node
- ansi
- argonaut-core
- arraybuffer-types
- arrays
- assert
- avar
- bifunctors
- catenable-lists
- codec
- codec-argonaut
- console
- const
- contravariant
- control
- datetime
- distributive
- docs-search-common
- docs-search-index
- dodo-printer
- effect
- either
- enums
- exceptions
- exists
- exitcodes
- filterable
- fixed-points
- foldable-traversable
- foreign
- foreign-object
- fork
- form-urlencoded
- formatters
- free
- functions
- functors
- gen
- graphs
- http-methods
- identity
- integers
- invariant
- js-date
- js-timers
- js-uri
- json-codecs
- language-cst-parser
- language-purescript
- lazy
- lcg
- lists
- maybe
- media-types
- mmorph
- newtype
- node-buffer
- node-child-process
- node-event-emitter
- node-execa
- node-fs
- node-human-signals
- node-os
- node-path
- node-process
- node-streams
- nonempty
- now
- nullable
- numbers
- open-memoize
- optparse
- ordered-collections
- orders
- parallel
- parsing
- partial
- pipes
- posix-types
- prelude
- profunctor
- profunctor-lenses
- psci-support
- quickcheck
- quickcheck-laws
- random
- record
- refs
- registry-lib
- routing-duplex
- safe-coerce
- search-trie
- spago
- spago-core
- spec
- st
- string-parsers
- strings
- stringutils
- tailrec
- these
- transformers
- tuples
- type-equality
- typelevel-prelude
- unfoldable
- unicode
- unsafe-coerce
- unsafe-reference
- variant
- versions
- web-dom
- web-events
- web-file
- web-html
- web-storage
- web-xhr
path: ./
Expand Down
39 changes: 20 additions & 19 deletions src/Spago/Glob.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ module Spago.Glob (gitignoringGlob) where
import Spago.Prelude

import Data.Array as Array
import Data.String as String
import Data.Filterable (filter)
import Data.Foldable (any)
import Data.String as String
import Data.String.CodePoints as String.CodePoint
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Ref as Ref
import Node.FS.Sync as SyncFS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,15 +50,14 @@ gitignoreToMicromatchPatterns base =
dropSuffixSlash str = fromMaybe str $ String.stripSuffix (String.Pattern "/") str
dropPrefixSlash str = fromMaybe str $ String.stripPrefix (String.Pattern "/") str

leadingSlash str = String.codePointAt 0 str == Just (String.CodePoint.codePointFromChar '/')
trailingSlash str = String.codePointAt (String.length str - 1) str == Just (String.CodePoint.codePointFromChar '/')

gitignorePatternToMicromatch :: String -> String
gitignorePatternToMicromatch pattern
-- Git matches every pattern that does not include a `/` by basename.
| not $ String.contains (String.Pattern "/") pattern = "**/" <> pattern <> "/**"
| otherwise =
-- Micromatch treats every pattern like git treats those starting with '/'.
dropPrefixSlash pattern
-- ".spago/" in a .gitignore is the same as ".spago". Micromatch does interpret them differently.
# dropSuffixSlash
| trailingSlash pattern = gitignorePatternToMicromatch $ dropSuffixSlash pattern
| leadingSlash pattern = dropPrefixSlash pattern <> "/**"
| otherwise = "**/" <> pattern <> "/**"

fsWalk :: String -> Array String -> Array String -> Aff (Array Entry)
fsWalk cwd ignorePatterns includePatterns = Aff.makeAff \cb -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,20 +93,20 @@ fsWalk cwd ignorePatterns includePatterns = Aff.makeAff \cb -> do
Left _ -> pure unit
Right gitignore -> do
let { ignore, patterns } = gitignoreToMicromatchPatterns base gitignore
let matcherForThisGitignore = micromatch { ignore } patterns

-- Does the .gitignore contain a pattern which would ignore the very
-- thing we are asked to look for?
-- For example, the .gitignore might have the pattern ".spago" but
-- `includePatterns` contains a glob like .spago/p/foo-3.1.4/**/*.purs
let anyIncludePatternWouldBeIgnored = any matcherForThisGitignore includePatterns

-- In such a case, do not use this .gitignore for pruning the search.
when (not anyIncludePatternWouldBeIgnored) do
let gitignored = (micromatch { ignore } <<< pure) <$> patterns
let wouldConflictWithSearch m = any m includePatterns

-- Do not add `.gitignore` patterns that explicitly ignore the files
-- we're searching for;
-- ex. if `includePatterns` is [".spago/p/aff-1.0.0/**/*.purs"],
-- and `gitignored` is ["node_modules", ".spago"],
-- then add "node_modules" to `ignoreMatcher` but not ".spago"
for_ (filter (not <<< wouldConflictWithSearch) gitignored) \pat -> do
-- Instead of composing the matcher functions, we could also keep a growing array of
-- patterns and regenerate the matcher on every append. I don't know which option is
-- more performant, but composing functions is more convenient.
let addMatcher currentMatcher = or [ currentMatcher, matcherForThisGitignore ]
let addMatcher currentMatcher = or [ currentMatcher, pat ]
void $ Ref.modify addMatcher ignoreMatcherRef

ignoreMatcher <- ignoreMatcherRef
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test-fixtures/pedantic/follow-instructions/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test-fixtures/pedantic/follow-instructions/spago.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
name: follow-instructions
main: Test.Pedantic.FollowInstructions.Main
- console
- effect
- prelude
registry: 0.0.1
extra_packages: {}
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions test-fixtures/pedantic/follow-instructions/src/Main.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Test.Pedantic.FollowInstructions.Main where
import Prelude

import Effect
import Effect.Console as Console

main :: Effect Unit
main = Console.log "wat"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Reading Spago workspace configuration...

✅ Selecting package to build: pedantic
✅ Selecting package to build: follow-instructions

Downloading dependencies...
Expand All @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ Looking for unused and undeclared transitive dependencies...

❌ Found unused and/or undeclared transitive dependencies:

Sources for package 'pedantic' import the following transitive dependencies - please add them to the project dependencies, or remove the imports:
Sources for package 'follow-instructions' import the following transitive dependencies - please add them to the project dependencies, or remove the imports:
from `Main`, which imports:
from `Test.Pedantic.FollowInstructions.Main`, which imports:

These errors can be fixed by running the below command(s):
spago install -p pedantic effect
spago install -p follow-instructions effect
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Reading Spago workspace configuration...

✅ Selecting package to build: pedantic
✅ Selecting package to build: follow-instructions

Adding 1 package to the config in spago.yaml
Downloading dependencies...
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/Spago.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Data.Newtype (un)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Milliseconds(..))
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Test.Spago.Glob as Glob
import Test.Spago.Build as Build
import Test.Spago.Bundle as Bundle
import Test.Spago.Docs as Docs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,4 +57,4 @@ main = Aff.launchAff_ $ void $ un Identity $ Spec.Runner.runSpecT testConfig [ S
Spec.describe "miscellaneous" do

34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions test/Spago/Build/Pedantic.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,28 +192,28 @@ spec =
-- where the fix is to install that missing package.
-- Following those instructions shouldn't cause an error. "following installation instructions does not fail with an unrelated pedantic error" \{ spago, fixture } -> do
setup spago
( defaultSetupConfig
{ installSourcePackages = [ "prelude", "console" ]
, installTestPackages = []
, main = Just
[ "import Prelude"
, ""
, "import Effect"
, "import Effect.Console as Console"
, ""
, "main :: Effect Unit"
, "main = Console.log \"wat\""
, testMain = Nothing
FS.copyTree { src: fixture "pedantic/follow-instructions", dst: "." }
spago [ "uninstall", "effect" ] >>= shouldBeSuccess
-- Get rid of "Compiling..." messages
spago [ "build" ] >>= shouldBeSuccess
editSpagoYaml (addPedanticFlagToSrc)
spago [ "build" ] >>= shouldBeFailureErr (fixture "pedantic/pedantic-instructions-initial-failure.txt")
spago [ "install", "-p", "pedantic", "effect" ] >>= shouldBeSuccessErr (fixture "pedantic/pedantic-instructions-installation-result.txt")
spago [ "install", "-p", "follow-instructions", "effect" ] >>= shouldBeSuccessErr (fixture "pedantic/pedantic-instructions-installation-result.txt")

-- Regression test for
let gitignores = [".spago", "/.spago", ".spago/**"]
for_ gitignores \gitignore ->
(".gitignore does not affect discovery of transitive deps (" <> gitignore <> ")")
\{ spago, fixture } -> do
FS.copyTree { src: fixture "pedantic/follow-instructions", dst: "." }
FS.writeTextFile ".gitignore" gitignore
spago [ "uninstall", "effect" ] >>= shouldBeSuccess
-- Get rid of "Compiling..." messages
spago [ "build" ] >>= shouldBeSuccess
editSpagoYaml (addPedanticFlagToSrc)
spago [ "build" ] >>= shouldBeFailureErr (fixture "pedantic/pedantic-instructions-initial-failure.txt")
spago [ "install", "-p", "follow-instructions", "effect" ] >>= shouldBeSuccessErr (fixture "pedantic/pedantic-instructions-installation-result.txt")

addPedanticFlagToSrc :: Config -> Config
addPedanticFlagToSrc config = config
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