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\f0\fs24 \cf0 README\
Machines the program was compiled on:\
The program was compiled, tested, and submitted from gl05. I also compiled and developed the program locally on my intel iMac running snow leopard\
How to run program:	\
To run the program you simply navigate to /A1/src/ and run ./game488. The program will jump right into tetris\
How to Play:\
The game is exactly like tetris. So to move the tetromino's you use the left and right arrow keys. Rotating the tetromino clockwise is done with the down arrow key, and counter-clockwise with the up arrow key. To drop a tetromino straight down you use the space bar.\
As you drop pieces and clear lines your score will increase. Every 10 lines you clear will also speed up the rate the tetromino's fall by a little bit.\
Interface features:\
Besides playing you can do little things you don't normally see in tetris. In this game you can spin the tetris game in any arbitrary direction. \
	To rotate around the x-axis, click and hold the left click button and move the mouse around\
	To rotate around the y-axis, click and hold the middle click button and move the mouse around\
	To rotate around the z-axis, click and hold the right click button and move the mouse around\
You can also use multiple buttons at the same time to rotate about multiple axis. \
If you want to spin the tetris board so that it will keep rotating, make a sweeping action using the mouse. E.g. Click, hold, drag the mouse, then while dragging the mouse let go of the button.\
Besides rotating you can also zoom into the game board by holding shift, click on any of the mouse buttons, then moving the mouse around. The user can zoom in 2x into the board, and zoom out a factor of 2 as well.\
To reset the view  back to the default view a user can simply hit the R key\
To toggle double buffering a user can hit the b button to switch between single and double buffer mode. By default the game will start in single buffer mode.\
The game also allows for various kinds of view modes. A user can play the game where the tetromino's are drawn either as a wireframe, where you only see the edges, face mode, where every face of the cube as the same colour, or multi-face mode where every face of a single cube has a different colour. To switch between these different view modes the user can use the shortcuts:\
	W - Wireframe mode\
	F - Face mode\
	M - Multicoloured face mode\
To quit the game the user can hit the q button\
To start a new game you can hit n\
In the menu bar you will see various buttons. Under File menu you can reset, quit, or start a new game\
Under Draw mode you can switch between wireframe, face, or multicoloured face mode\
Under speed you can speed up the rate the tetromino's drop to slow, medium fast.\
Under buffer you can toggle whether or not double buffer is one\
List of keyboard shortcuts:\
b			Toggle between single and double buffer\
f			Switch to face mode\
m			switch to multicoloured mode\
n			Start new game\
q			Quit game\
r			Restore default view\
w			Switch to wireframe mode\
space bar		drop piece\
left arrow		move tetromino left\
right arrow	move tetromino right\
up arrow		rotate tetromino counter clockwise\
down arrow	rotate tetromino clockwise\


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