What's Changed
- feat: configured dev container by @PriyansuMaurya in #2071
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.5.1 to 20.5.2 by @dependabot in #2084
- chore: Mrittik-Server – an open-source REST API developed with Node.js and Express.js by @hbkabir004 in #2081
- chore(deps): bump framer-motion from 10.16.0 to 10.16.1 by @dependabot in #2083
- chore(deps): bump @types/react from 18.2.20 to 18.2.21 by @dependabot in #2085
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.5.2 to 20.5.3 by @dependabot in #2086
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.5.3 to 20.5.4 by @dependabot in #2087
- chore(deps): bump typescript from 5.1.6 to 5.2.2 by @dependabot in #2088
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.5.4 to 20.5.6 by @dependabot in #2089
- feat: added tailwind CSS to filters by @Sahilll15 in #2093
- docs: update description of styles.yml by @freedompraise in #2092
- chore: project addition by RaviSolanki27 by @RaviSolanki27 in #2095
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.5.6 to 20.5.7 by @dependabot in #2099
- chore(deps): bump pnpm from 8.6.12 to 8.7.0 by @dependabot in #2098
- chore(deps): bump eslint from 8.47.0 to 8.48.0 by @dependabot in #2097
- chore: project addition by sahilchalke by @Sahilll15 in #2100
- docs: added video guide to contributing.md by @Sahilll15 in #2101
- chore: project addition by ChiragAgg5k #2102 by @ChiragAgg5k in #2103
- chore(deps): bump postcss from 8.4.28 to 8.4.29 by @dependabot in #2104
- chore(deps): bump framer-motion from 10.16.1 to 10.16.2 by @dependabot in #2106
- chore: project addition by MuhammadRabi issue#2105 by @MuhammadRabi in #2107
- chore(deps): bump pnpm from 8.7.0 to 8.7.1 by @dependabot in #2111
- chore: addition of profile uzumaki4303 by @Uzumaki4303 in #2112
- chore: project addition by lorenzomiscoli #2114 by @lorenzomiscoli in #2115
- feat: add angular to techStack by @lorenzomiscoli in #2118
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.5.7 to 20.5.9 by @dependabot in #2119
- chore(deps): bump framer-motion from 10.16.2 to 10.16.4 by @dependabot in #2120
- chore(deps): bump pnpm from 8.7.1 to 8.7.4 by @dependabot in #2121
- chore(deps): bump react-icons from 4.10.1 to 4.11.0 by @dependabot in #2122
- chore: project addition by tedante #2123 by @tedante in #2124
- fix: resolve issue2125 by @Monilprajapati in #2126
- style: changed the twitter logo by @Sahilll15 in #2128
- chore(deps): bump eslint from 8.48.0 to 8.49.0 by @dependabot in #2129
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.5.9 to 20.6.0 by @dependabot in #2130
- chore(deps): bump pnpm from 8.7.4 to 8.7.5 by @dependabot in #2131
- chore(deps): bump react-router-dom from 6.15.0 to 6.16.0 by @dependabot in #2132
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.6.0 to 20.6.1 by @dependabot in #2133
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.6.1 to 20.6.2 by @dependabot in #2135
- chore(deps): bump pnpm from 8.7.5 to 8.7.6 by @dependabot in #2136
- chore(deps): bump postcss from 8.4.29 to 8.4.30 by @dependabot in #2137
- chore(deps): bump @types/react from 18.2.21 to 18.2.22 by @dependabot in #2138
- chore(deps): bump sharp from 0.32.5 to 0.32.6 by @dependabot in #2139
- chore(deps): bump next from 13.4.19 to 13.5.1 by @dependabot in #2140
- chore: project addition by surya-mu #2143 by @surya-mu in #2144
- chore(deps): bump eslint-config-next from 13.4.19 to 13.5.1 by @dependabot in #2141
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.6.2 to 20.6.3 by @dependabot in #2142
- chore(deps): bump eslint-config-next from 13.5.1 to 13.5.2 by @dependabot in #2145
- chore(deps): bump autoprefixer from 10.4.15 to 10.4.16 by @dependabot in #2146
- chore(deps): bump next from 13.5.1 to 13.5.2 by @dependabot in #2147
- chore(deps): bump eslint from 8.49.0 to 8.50.0 by @dependabot in #2148
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.6.3 to 20.6.5 by @dependabot in #2149
- chore(deps): bump next from 13.5.2 to 13.5.3 by @dependabot in #2150
- chore(deps): bump eslint-config-next from 13.5.2 to 13.5.3 by @dependabot in #2151
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.6.5 to 20.7.0 by @dependabot in #2152
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.7.0 to 20.7.1 by @dependabot in #2156
- chore(deps): bump pnpm from 8.7.6 to 8.8.0 by @dependabot in #2153
- chore(deps): bump @types/react from 18.2.22 to 18.2.23 by @dependabot in #2154
- chore(deps): bump @types/react-dom from 18.2.7 to 18.2.8 by @dependabot in #2155
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 17.7.1 to 17.7.2 by @dependabot in #2157
- chore(deps): bump postcss from 8.4.30 to 8.4.31 by @dependabot in #2158
- chore: project addition by trishit78 #2160 by @trishit78 in #2161
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.7.1 to 20.8.0 by @dependabot in #2162
- chore(deps): bump @types/react from 18.2.23 to 18.2.24 by @dependabot in #2163
- chore(deps): bump eslint-config-next from 13.5.3 to 13.5.4 by @dependabot in #2166
- chore(deps): bump @types/node from 20.8.0 to 20.8.2 by @dependabot in #2167
- chore(deps): bump next from 13.5.3 to 13.5.4 by @dependabot in #2168
- chore(deps): bump @types/react-dom from 18.2.8 to 18.2.10 by @dependabot in #2172
- chore(deps): bump @types/react from 18.2.24 to 18.2.25 by @dependabot in #2171
- chore: project addition by Darkrider0007 #2170 by @Darkrider0007 in #2170
- chore: project addition by priyankarpal by @priyankarpal in #2185
- chore: project addition by mrswastik-robot by @mrswastik-robot in #2200
- chore: project addition by ayushrakesh #2201 by @ayushrakesh in #2202
- chore: project addition by Sakhi29 by @Sakhi29 in #2197
- chore: project addition by singodiyashubham87 by @singodiyashubham87 in #2203
- chore: project addition by ratishjain by @ratishjain12 in #2209
- chore: project addition by vinay-s36 #2204 by @vinay-s36 in #2208
- chore: project addition by kaushal1717 by @kaushal1717 in #2196
- chore: project addition by Prakhar-Shankar by @Prakhar-Shankar in #2192
- chore: project addition by Btrezzy #2183 by @btrezzy in #2190
- chore: project addition by VinayKokate22 by @VinayKokate22 in #2198
- chore: project addition by vrundraval24 #2216 by @vrundraval24 in #2214
- chore: project addition by ayan-joshi by @ayan-joshi in #2215
- chore: Project Addition by blindaks by @blindaks in #2213
- chore: project addition by mohit dhote #2193 by @mohitd404 in #2177
New Contributors
- @hbkabir004 made their first contribution in #2081
- @freedompraise made their first contribution in #2092
- @RaviSolanki27 made their first contribution in #2095
- @ChiragAgg5k made their first contribution in #2103
- @MuhammadRabi made their first contribution in #2107
- @Uzumaki4303 made their first contribution in #2112
- @lorenzomiscoli made their first contribution in #2115
- @tedante made their first contribution in #2124
- @Monilprajapati made their first contribution in #2126
- @surya-mu made their first contribution in #2144
- @trishit78 made their first contribution in #2161
- @Darkrider0007 made their first contribution in #2170
- @mrswastik-robot made their first contribution in #2200
- @ayushrakesh made their first contribution in #2202
- @Sakhi29 made their first contribution in #2197
- @vinay-s36 made their first contribution in #2208
- @kaushal1717 made their first contribution in #2196
- @Prakhar-Shankar made their first contribution in #2192
- @btrezzy made their first contribution in #2190
- @VinayKokate22 made their first contribution in #2198
- @vrundraval24 made their first contribution in #2214
- @ayan-joshi made their first contribution in #2215
- @mohitd404 made their first contribution in #2177
Full Changelog: v1.8.3...v1.8.4