This is the project related to the papers Deep hybrid models: infer and plan in a dynamic world and Dynamic planning in hierarchical active inference. The first paper describes a (deep) hierarchical hybrid approach that can plan efficiently in constantly changing environments. The proposed method is based on three caracteristics: (i) the capacity to understand and exploit affordances for object manipulation; (ii) to learn the hierarchical interactions between the self and the environment, including other agents; (iii) to relate continuous trajectories to discrete plans. The second paper provides a review for many tasks in motor control, such as object grasping, obstacle avoidance, multi-agent interaction, and tool use.
Video simulations are found here.
Check this and this for additional guides and projects.
This study has received funding from the MAIA project, under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme.
The simulation can be launched through, either with the option -m
for manual control, -i
for the active inference agent. If no option is specified, the last one will be launched. For the manual control simulation, the arm can be moved with the keys Z
, X
, A
, S
, UP
and DOWN
Plots can be generated through, either with the option -d
for the belief trajectories, or -v
for generating a video of the simulation.
The tasks are organized as follows:
- 2.1_simple_agent/: a basic 1-DoF agent that has to reach a fixed position;
- 2.2_tracking_objects/: a 1-DoF agent that has to track a moving object;
- 2.3_object_affordances/: a 3-DoF agent that maintains distinct body potential configurations for each object and distinct potential trajectories for each intention; this agent has to reach the red ball and then the green square;
- 3.1_intrinsic_extrinsic/: a hierarchical 3-DoF agent that has to reach the red ball while avoiding the green square;
- 3.2_deep_hierarchies/: a (deep) hierarchical 8-DoF agent that has to reach the red ball with a finger;
- 3.3_self_others/: a 3-DoF agent that has to reach the elbow of another 4-DoF agent, which in turn has to reach the hand of the first agent;
- 4.1_dynamic_inference/: a 1-DoF agent moving along a circular trajetory and has to infer which one of the two objects is following;
- 4.2_dynamic_planning/: an 8-DoF agent that has to grasp a moving ball;
- 4.3_flexible_hierarchies/: a 4-DoF agent that has to grasp a moving tool and reach a moving ball with the tool's extremity.
More advanced parameters can be manually set from Custom log names are set with the variable log_name
. The number of trials and steps can be set with the variables n_trials
and n_steps
, respectively.
The parameter n_tau
specifies the sampling time window used for evidence accumulation, while n_policy
controls the length of the policies.
The parameter n_objects
specifies the number of objects, which are defined in the class Objects
in environment/
The parameter lr_len
controls the learning rate of the length beliefs. If it is set to 0, these beliefs will not be updated.
The script simulation/ contains a subclass of Window
in environment/, which is in turn a subclass pyglet.window.Window
. The only overriden function is update
, which defines the instructions to run in a single cycle. Specifically, the subclass Inference
initializes the agent and the objects; during each update, it retrieves proprioceptive and visual observations through functions defined in environment/, calls the function inference_step
of the agent, and finally moves the arm and the objects.
The script defines the structure of the (deep) hierarchical hybrid model, along with the dynamics functions. The script contains the IE
class corresponding to an Intrinsic/Extrinsic module, and defines the proprioceptive, visual, and extrinsic likelihood functions. The script contains the Unit
class specifiying a single hybrid unit, and the Obs
class defining an observation modality. These modular units can be linked in a multiple input and multiple output architecture as defined by the IE
and Brain
classes. Sensory evidence is accumulated in every unit until the next discrete step. Finally, the discrete model is described in, which performs Bayesian model comparison depending on the hybrid units, and generate the new discrete hidden causes.
Every computation is performed by automatic differentiation through pytorch
Useful trajectories computed during the simulations are stored through the class Log
in environment/
Note that all the variables are normalized between -1 and 1 to ensure that every contribution to the belief updates has the same magnitude.