A basic project to provide an interface for viewing and managing celery tasks scheduled through redbeat.
Built with Flask & Yarn
Virtual env is your friend
docker-compose up -d . # start local dev redis server
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run & # starts the flask app, now time to start the node app
cd redbeat-react
yarn start
IMPORTANT: There are now 2 services running flask & node. For development you will primarily be looking at the the output of the node service on localhost:3000
The flask app localhost:5000 is set to load a fully built app.
The primary code is in two places Python
- app.py - flask app for json for react display
- redis_manager.py - provides helper functions for redbeat
- redbeat-react/src/components/schedules_viewer
- table.tsx - the primary table display and XHR requests
- formatters.tsx - table cell display formatters
- JSONEditor.tsx - refactor needed, a code style viewer for individual cells.
yarn build
Compiles typescript and outputs to redbeat-react/build app.py is set to server static data from redbeat-react/build
Right now, only REDIS_URL is required
export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost/
flask run