Event management system - This can manage generic events defined by user and communicate this with subscribers
Please refer Wiki or GithubIO for better readablity
Install free IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and opt for Kotlin in it
Clone this repository
Setup MongoDB server. Easy one is to get free MongoDB database in a hosted server from HERE
- Get setup of cloud MongoDB(Atlas) HERE
Building the project
For Windows: Open the Command prompt in the project directory
- run the command
gradlew.bat clean bootRun
- run the command
For Linux or Mac: Open the Terminal emulator in the project directory
run command
./gradlew clean bootRun
Note: In case you just want to generate JAR file, replace
Running the jar can be done using command
java -jar -Ddebug=true build/libs/velocity_{version}_{yyMMddHHmm}/server-{version}.jar
- example:
pranava@ubuntu:~/velocity$ pwd /home/pranava/velocity pranava@ubuntu:~/velocity$ ./gradlew clean build > Task :compileKotlin BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 3s 5 actionable tasks: 5 executed pranava@ubuntu:~/velocity$ java -jar -Ddebug=true build/libs/velocity_0.0.1-SNAPSHOT_2003102238/server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Spring Boot (v2.2.4.RELEASE) embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer : Tomcat started on port: 80 (http) with context path '/api' com.velocity.VelocityApplicationKt : Started VelocityApplicationKt in 4.256 seconds
If you are seeing Tomcat Started and Started VelocityApplicationKt, means project successfully built and running on port 80 Note:
switch is temporary. Future commits would include Custom Run configuration file.
Insert roles into
collection in MongoDB.db.roles.insertMany([ { name: "ROLE_USER" }, { name: "ROLE_MODERATOR" }, { name: "ROLE_ADMIN" }, ])
Note: Currently this is manual step. In future this might be done through an API
Running the project: Open a web browser and open
which will show a welcome page
file contains the linespring.data.mongodb.uri=${MONGO_URL_CON}
is the MongoDB database URL of the MongoDB server which is the system environment variableFind the steps to set
as system environment variable in HERE -
environment variable setup,JWT_SECRET_KEY
also need to be set as environment variable. The key is any string which represent as encryption password -
has a key calledcom.velocity.jwtExpirationMs
which represents JWT expiration time in milliseconds. Default is 1-Day(86400000 ms) -
The port number of the server can be configured in
file. Default port number is port80
Postman collection 2.1 can be found in
Project structure
The current project structure is just a draft. After getting comfortable with Spring, package refactor will be done.
pranava@ubuntu:~/velocity/src/main$ pwd
pranava@ubuntu:~/velocity/src/main$ tree
├── java # Java files
├── kotlin # Kotlin files
│ └── com
│ └── velocity
│ ├── VelocityApplication.kt # Main class
│ ├── config # DB configs. (Temporary)
│ │ └── MongoConfig.kt
│ ├── controller # Entry point of API (Apart from filters)
│ │ ├── AuthController.kt
│ │ └── UserController.kt
│ ├── dao # Access point for all repository (DB and network calls)
│ ├── db # Datebase
│ │ ├── doc # Collection models
│ │ └── repo # Base Reposiotries to access collections
│ ├── model
│ │ ├── ERole.kt # Static predefined roles
│ │ └── payload # Request/Response models
│ │ ├── request # Request models
│ │ └── response # Response models
│ ├── security # Spring security related modules
│ │ ├── WebSecurityConfig.kt # Route - authentication/authorization configs
│ │ ├── jwt # JWT related classes
│ │ └── service # Secuirty support services (UserDetailsService implementations)
│ └── service # Application business logics
└── resources # All the Spring configuration files
└── application.properties # Application properties (Like MongoDB connection URL, JWT secret key)
Learning resources
- Quickstart
- Quides
- Kotlin documentation
- SpringBoot using Kotlin Example-1
- SpringBoot using Kotlin Example-2
- SpringBoot with MongoDB CRUDs
- SpringBoot demo project using MongoDB
- Access MongoDB data
- SpringBoot with Spring-Security, MongoDB and JWT authentication and authorization
- SpringBoot with JWT Authentication using Spring Security
- Spring Boot 2.2.4
- Spring Security
- Kotlin
- Java 8/11
- MongoDB
- Gradle
Project Velocity - Copyright (c) 2020 Pranava Giligar