Social Networking is a web app where one can post your content and chat with friends too.
Deployed on Heruko Click Here
Names of Project Members/Contributors:
- Prajjwal Singh (185081)
- Azhan Ali (185096)
- Dhruv Swami (185089)
- Parth (185048)
Course: CSD-327 Software Engineering LAB
Date: May 6th, 2021
Submitted to: Dr. Dharmendra Prasad Mahto
- Learnt required Tech Stack.
- Prepared flowchart on how to implement the code.
- Implemented user login & registration*.
- Ensured unique user-id for each user login into the system.
- Implemented Database storage for user records.
- Implemented navigation filed of the app.
- Implemented home page and create post filed to add post and display it.
- Ensured database security among users.
- Implemented home page UI.
- Implemented other signin authentications via google github and facebook.
- Added required UI template and made a friends section t add friends and see whoe's active.
- Added chat feature to it and made the required UI for it.
- Ensured proper code as well as installation documentation for Application.
- Frontend and Backend: React JS
- Database: Firebase
- Clone the project using this command:
git clone
- Move to project folder
in Terminal using command:
cd Web-App
- Then run following Commands :
npm install
npm start
- Now enter following URL in Your Browser Installed On Your PC: