The document describes how to calculate Heisenberg exchange parameters for a magnetic compound using Green's functions formalism.
The calculation consists of 3 independent parts:
Self consistent spin-polarized DFT calculation. Here and below we imply that you use Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) package for such calculation.
Generation of a model Hamiltonian in Wannier functions basis. The basis should include d-states of magnetic ions and sometimes p-states of the nearest ligands. This could be done using wannier_ham.x code from QE postprocessing tools. The Hamiltonian should be stored in the AMULET code file format. Please use the latest stable QE version (5.3.0 and above) for the Hamiltonian production.
Calculation of the exchange parameters using exchanges code. The code uses as input only two files: and from the previous step.
We are using the model with the exchange term defined as:
H = \sum_ij J_{ij}*e_i*e_j,
where e_i, and e_j are unit vectors and sum runs once over ions pairs.
If you want to estimate Curie/Neel temperature from obtained exchanges, please keep in mind that the following formula should be used:
T = N_nn*J_calc*(1/3)*S(S+1)/S^2,
where N_nn - number of neigbouring atoms with calculated exchange parameter J_calc, S is total spin moment of the atom.
Use Quantum ESPRESSO as usual. To obtain a reliable exchange parameters on the last step one should start from a reliable electronic structure on the first step. Perform a spin-polarized calculation on a regular k-points grid within full Brillouin zone. Reciprocal space integration should be performed with gaussian smearing. Use the following keys:
nspin = 2
nosym = .true.
noinv = .true.
occupations = 'smearing'
degauss = set a reasonable value for your system
One is allowed to perform scf calculation in parallel mode, but wf_collect = .true.
key must be set, since wannier_ham.x and exchanges.x codes are serial only.
The theoretical background for Wannier functions generation and Hamiltonian production procedure is described in EPJB 65, 91 (2008). There is also an example in QE distributive (in PP/examples/WannierHam_example
Before you start the model Hamiltonian generation, you should know a symmetry of trial atomic orbitals that will be used for projection (typically these are transition metal d- plus, sometimes, the nearest ligands p-orbitals). And you should know numbers of bands (or energy interval) that you are going to reproduce with the model Hamiltonian. One of the simplest methods to determine the energy interval is to plot the partial densities of states for atomic orbitals with desired symmetry. It could be necessary often to include into the basis not only Wannier functions of d-symmetry, but p-orbitals like Wannier functions also. Please note, that exchange interaction parameters are computed on the next step only for d-states. Nevertheless, a superexchange via ligand's p-orbitals is taken into account with nondiagonal elements of Green's functions matrix.
Structure of the input file for wannier_ham.x (should be sent to stdin):
Variable: prefix
Default: ' '
Description: as usual
Variable: outdir
Default: ' '
Description: as usual
Variable: nwan
Default: ' '
Description: Number of Wannier functions
Variable: use_energy_int
Default: '.FALSE.'
Description: If .true. bands will be defined not by numbers, but by
energy range (in eV)!
Variable: plot_bands
Default: '.FALSE.'
Description: If .true. bands structures of original and model hamiltonian
will be outputted in gnuplot format for comparison
Variable: form
Type: character
Default: ' '
Description: Hamiltonian file format. Should be set to 'amulet' to obtain
the Hamiltonian in the AMULET format suitable for
exchanges calculation
Definition of trial atomic functions and bands for Wannier generation
// Syntax: //
Wannier# 1 bands_from bands_to
atom iatom
l m
Wannier# 2 bands_from bands_to
atom iatom
l m
Wannier# 1 bands_from bands_to
atom iatom
l m
Wannier# 2 bands_from bands_to
atom iatom
l m
! Please note the Spin#2: block! It should exist (and repeat a Spin#1 block
to obtain the spin-polarized Hamiltonian).
Variables: bands_from, bands_to
Description: Defines Bloch functions subspace for projection
procedure. If use_energy_interval=.true. these are
energy values in eV. Otherwise these are bands numbers.
Variables: iatom
Description: Number of site on that Wannier function centered
Variables: l
Description: Angular channel for trial wavefunction. 's', 'p' or 'd'
Variables: m
Description: Magnetic quantum number of trial orbital (from 1 to 5
for d-orbitals, from 1 to 3 for p-orbitals)
===END OF CARD==========================================================
Run wannier_ham.x < your_input_file
on 1 processor in the directory with your scf calculation.
Please check obtained Wannier functions occupations. They should be reliable. If you obtain a lot of wrong orthogonalization
warnings in output, it means that something is wrong with the energy bands selection.
As a result of Hamiltonian generation procedure at least four files will be produced:
The first two contains the Hamiltonian and some data about crystal structure of the compound (If you didn't obtain *.am
files - check form = 'amulet'
parameter in the input file for wannier_ham.x). The last two contains eigenvalues of the full and model Hamiltonians. These files could be plotted with gnuplot and results should coincide within the energy window of interest. The coincidence of the eigenvalues is the main indicator of successful projection procedure.
#Step 3: Exchange parameters calculation with exchanges.x
The code requires a Fortran compiler (gfortran is ok) and LAPACK installed in the system. Open Makefile
with your favorite editor and set FC
and LIBS
variables by hands. Than just say make
inside the directory with source code.
The code supports openmp parallelization and could be run on a multiprocessor machine as OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 exchanges.x <
(where 4 is the number of parallel threads)
file should be generated as a result.
The theoretical background for exchanges calculation is described in Phys. Rev. B 91, 224405 (2015).
There are few examples of calculations in examples
Most of input parameters are set by default and there is no need to change them is most cases. The main thing that should be tuned - distance
parameter for the nearest neighbors search.
Input file for exchanges.x
has similar to wannier_ham.x
Fortran namelists form:
NAMELIST: &exchanges
Variable: emin
Type: float
Default: -30
Description: minimum energy for Green's function integration
relative to Fermi energy in eV
Variable: emax
Type: float
Default: 0.05
Description: maximum energy for Green's function integration
relative to Fermi energy in eV
Variable: height
Type: float
Default: 0.5
Description: height of the integration contour in eV
Variable: nz1, nz2, nz3
Type: integer
Default: 150,350,150
Description: Number of division for integration contour
Variable: distance
Type: float
Default: 0.8
Description: Radius of the sphere for the nearest neighbors search
in alat
Variable: l
Type: character
Default: 'd'
Description: One could compute exchanges between 'd', or 'p' or
even 's' orbitals (can't imagine for a what)
Variable: mode
Type: character
Default: 'distance'
Description: There are two modes of the nearest neihbors search:
'distance' and 'list'. In the distance mode the code
will calculate exchanges for all d-atoms within the
'distance' sphere. In the list mode the code will
consider only atoms (inside the 'distance sphere')
listed in ATOMS_LIST card (see below)
Neccessary only if mode='list'
// Syntax: //
atom_x atom_y atom_z (in crystal coordinates)
atom_x atom_y atom_z
atom_x atom_y atom_z
The code is distributed under BSD License