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June 2020 Release

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@erwinvanhunen erwinvanhunen released this 09 Jun 09:31
· 441 commits to master since this release


  • Added -ValuesOnly option to Get-PnPLabel which will return more detailed information regarding the retention label set on a list or library and return the information as properties instead of written text PR #2710
  • Added -PreferredDataLocation option to New-PnPSite which allows for providing a geography in which the new SharePoint sitecollection should be created. Only applicable on multi-geo enabled tenants. PR #2708
  • Added EnableAIPIntegration option to Set-PnPTenant which allows enabling Azure Information Protection integration with SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business on your tenant PR #2703
  • Added Get-PnPAADUser cmdlet which allows retrieval of users from Azure Active Directory through the Microsoft Graph API PR #2626
  • Added Add-PnPGraphSubscription, Get-PnPGraphSubscription, Remove-PnPGraphSubscription and Set-PnPGraphSubscription to work with Microsoft Graph Subscriptions PR #2673
  • Added Reset-PnPUnifiedGroupExpiration which allows the expiration date of an Office 365 Group to be extended by the number of days defined in the Azure Active Directory Group Expiration policy PR #2655
  • Added following arguments to Set-PnPWeb allowing them to be set: CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled, DisablePowerAutomate, MegaMenuEnabled, MembersCanShare, NavAudienceTargetingEnabled, QuickLaunchEnabled and NoCrawl PR #2633
  • Added Set-PnPUserOneDriveQuota, Reset-PnPUserOneDriveQuotaToDefault and Get-PnPUserOneDriveQuota commands to work with quotas on OneDrive for Business sites PR #2630
  • Added Get-PnPTenantSyncClientRestriction and Set-PnPTenantSyncClientRestriction cmdlets to allow configuring tenant wide OneDrive sync restriction settings PR #2649
  • Added Disable-PnPSharingForNonOwnersOfSite and Get-PnPSharingForNonOwnersOfSite cmdlets to control disabling the ability for only owners of the site to be allowed to share the site or its files and folders with others PR #2641
  • Added Get-PnPIsSiteAliasAvailable which allows checking if a certain alias is still available to create a new site collection with PR #2698
  • Added Get-PnPFooter and Set-PnPFooter to work with the footer shown on Modern Communication pages PR #2634
  • Added ability to getting and setting the title and logo shown in the footer of a Modern Communication site PR #2715
  • Added -SensitivityLabel option to New-PnPSite which allows for directly assigning a sensitivity label to a SharePoint sitecollection when creating it. Requires modern sensitivity labels and E5 licenses to be enabled on the tenant. PR #2713
  • Added Get-PnPOffice365CurrentServiceStatus, Get-PnPOffice365HistoricalServiceStatus, Get-PnPOffice365ServiceMessage and Get-PnPOffice365Services to retrieve information from the Office 365 Management API regarding the Office 365 services PR #2684
  • Added Get-PnPAvailableLanguage which returns a list of all supported languages on the SharePoint web PR #2716


  • Fixed uploading a file using Add-PnPFile using -ContentType throwing an exception PR #2619
  • Fixed using Connect-PnPOnline -AppId <appid> -AppSecret <appsecret> -AADDomain not actually authenticating to Microsoft Graph PR #2624
  • Updated Get-PnPWorkflowInstance to allow passing in a workflow subscription to list all running instances of a specific workflow PR #2636
  • Implementation of Move-PnPFile has been changed adding -TargetServerRelativeLibrary for SharePoint Online to allow moving files to other site collections PR #2688


  • Alberto Suarez [holylander]
  • Rune Sperre [rsperre]
  • Nik Charlebois [NikCharlebois]
  • Eduardo Garcia-Prieto [egarcia74]
  • Koen Zomers [koenzomers]
  • James May [fowl2]
  • Marc D Anderson [sympmarc]
  • Kunj Balkrishna Sangani [kunj-sangani]
  • Gautam Sheth [gautamdsheth]