VideoX is a full-fledged backend for a video hosting platform similar to YouTube. Built with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT, bcrypt, and other modern technologies, it provides all the essential features needed for a robust video streaming platform.
- 🔒 User Authentication
- Login, Signup, Logout
- JWT & Refresh Tokens
- Change Password
- 📺 Video Management
- Upload Videos
- Like & Dislike
- Comment & Reply
- 📌 Subscription System
- Subscribe & Unsubscribe to channels
- 📝 User Profile Management
- Update Avatar & Cover Image
- Edit Account Details
- ⏳ Watch History Tracking
- 🐜 Secure API with JWT Authentication
- Backend Framework: ⚡ Node.js with Express.js
- Database: 🐄️ MongoDB with Mongoose
- Authentication: 🔑 JWT, bcrypt
- File Uploads: 📄 Multer
- Middleware: 🛡️ Express Middleware (CORS, Body-parser, Helmet, etc.)
- Storage & Media Processing: ☁️ Cloudinary
- Real-time Updates: 🔄 WebSockets
- Deployment: 🛦 Docker, ☁️ AWS EC2, or 🚀 Heroku
- bcryptjs – Encrypts and hashes passwords for secure authentication.
- cloudinary – Handles media storage and optimization in the cloud.
- cookie-parser – Parses cookies for better request handling.
- cors – Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for secure API access.
- dotenv – Manages environment variables securely.
- express – A lightweight and powerful web framework for Node.js.
- jsonwebtoken – Implements JWT authentication for secure user sessions.
- mongoose – ODM (Object Data Modeling) for MongoDB with schema validation.
- mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2 – Enables pagination for MongoDB aggregation queries.
- multer – Handles file uploads efficiently.
Check out the detailed DB Model here: Database Model
git clone
cd videox
npm install
Create a .env
file in the root directory and add the required configuration:
npm run dev
router.route("/logout").post(verifyJWT, logoutUser);
router.route("/change-password").post(verifyJWT, changeCurrentPassword);
router.route("/current-user").get(verifyJWT, getCurrentUser);
router.route("/update-account").patch(verifyJWT, updateAccountDetails);
router.route("/avatar").patch(verifyJWT, upload.single("avatar"), updateUserAvatar);
router.route("/cover-image").patch(verifyJWT, upload.single("coverImage"), updateUserCoverImage);
router.route("/c/:username").get(verifyJWT, getUserChannelProfile);
router.route("/history").get(verifyJWT, getWatchHistory);
- 🍔 Fork the repository
- 🌿 Create a new branch (
) - 📂 Commit your changes
- 🚀 Push to the branch
- 🔄 Open a Pull Request
For any issues or suggestions, feel free to create an issue or reach out to the maintainers. 🚀