This project is an integral part of my TCC (undergraduate thesis).
It simulates a real quadrotor drone, with the help of Unity, Arcadia, and Clojure.
You can use it by executing the latest build, and interacting with the toggles.
The bottom slider changes the camera zoom, or changes the selected parameter while paused.
You can also write and eval your own scripts starting from the Clojure namespace pjago.quad
For REPL, you can use the Socket plugin in Sublime-Text 3, or just use the internal REPL.
' (1) | opens the internal REPL in the current namespace (issue #1) |
← → ↑ ↓ | disturbance OR reference for yaw and height |
4, 6, 2, 8 | disturbance OR reference for roll and pitch |
CTRL | switch input from disturbance to reference (the cylinder) |
TAB | switch camera OR switch parameter forward while paused |
SHIFT + TAB | switch player OR switch parameter back while paused |
ESC | closes the internal repl OR pauses and display save, quit, and restart |
SAVE | will save the latest simulation state in the ./data folder |
QUIT | quits the application without freezing (issue #2) |
RESTART | attempts to reset the current player state |
REPL (code defined in the pjago.quad
(in-ns 'pjago.quad) ;=> switch to the namespace where most fns are defined
(get-player) ;=> returns the current player, focused by the camera
(.. (get-player) transform position) ;=> UnityEngine.Vector3
(.. (get-player) transform rotation) ;=> UnityEngine.Quaternion
(render player) ;=> renders a new quad with the current settings
(relay-3) ;=> instantiates the euler-angles feedback relays (TCC)
(clear-all ::quad) ;=> removes all the quads
Send an email to [email protected]