Install NodeRed
Install Mosquito
Open config.yaml and under light add this code:
- platform: mqtt
schema: template
name: 'ingresso'
command_topic: 'lights/cmd'
state_topic: 'bticino/out'
command_on_template: '{"idx": 15, "nvalue": "1" }'
command_off_template: '{"idx": 15, "nvalue": "0" }'
state_template: '{% if value_json.idx == 15 %} {% if value_json.nvalue == 1 %} on {% else %} off {% endif %} {% endif %}'
optimistic: false
This will create a light in HA
name: name of light you want to create
"idx": unique ID of light
add one of this block code for each light you want to create, and change the 3 idx values (in the example number 15) in
No rules for the idx value, but I suggest to use the same number set on the hardware during the installation of the system
Under switch add this code:
- platform: mqtt
name: 'presaterrazzo'
icon: mdi:power-plug
command_topic: 'switch/cmd'
state_topic: 'bticino/out'
payload_on: '{"idx": 81, "nvalue": "1" }'
payload_off: '{"idx": 81, "nvalue": "0" }'
state_on: 'on'
state_off: 'off'
value_template: '{% if value_json.idx == 81 %} {% if value_json.nvalue == 1 %} on {% else %} off {% endif %} {% endif %}'
optimistic: false
This will create a switch in HA
name: name of switch you want to create
"idx": unique ID of switch
add one of this block code, for each switch you want to create and change the 3 idx values (in the example number 81) in
No rules for the idx value, but I suggest to use the same number set on the hardware during the installation of the system
Under sensor add this code
The sensors are used to integrate the part relating to the thermal control unit. The control unit can have several thermostats installed in different points of the house. The various points are identified by a value, fixed with the jupers during the physical installation of the single thermostat The control unit can have several thermostats installed in different points of the house.
The following data is currently integrated:
Temperature value measured by the probe of the single thermostat
Temperature value set for the single thermostat
Any off set set directly on the single thermostat
The on / off value of the actuator of the single thermostat is reported through a switch component of HA
- platform: mqtt
device_class: 'Temperature'
name: "T Zona Notte"
state_topic: "bticino/sensor/t11"
value_template: '{{value_json.nvalue }}'
this will create a sensor for Temperature value,
for each point you want to create change
state_topic: the number at the end bticino/sensor/txx
the value you use could be the one you want no rules, but I suggest to use same number used to configure the hardware during installation of the plant
- platform: mqtt
device_class: 'Temperature'
name: "set T Zona Notte"
state_topic: "bticino/sensor/sett11"
value_template: '{{value_json.nvalue }}'
this will create a sensor for the set Temperature value, for each point you want to create change
state_topic: the number at the end bticino/sensor/settxx
the value you use could be the one you want no rule, but I suggest to use same number used to configure the hardware during installation of the plant
- platform: mqtt
device_class: 'Temperature'
name: "offset T Zona Notte"
state_topic: "bticino/sensor/offsett11"
value_template: '{{value_json.nvalue }}'
this will create a sensor for the offset Temperature value
state_topic: the number at the end bticino/sensor/offsettxx
the value you use could be the one you want no rule, but I suggest to use same number used to configure the hardware during installation of the plant
add under switch this code
- platform: mqtt
name: 'Valvola Zona Notte'
icon: mdi:power-plug
command_topic: 'bticino/switchcmd/valv11'
state_topic: 'bticino/switch/valv11'
state_on: 'on'
state_off: 'off'
value_template: '{% if value_json.nvalue == 1 %} on {% else %} off {% endif %}'
This will create a switch for actuator of thermostat for each point you want to create change
command_topic: the numeber at the end bticino/switchcmd/valvxx
state_topic: the number at the end bticino/switch/valvxx
the value you use could be the one you want no rule, but I suggest to use same number used to configure the hardware during installation of the plant
Finally, let's add an input_boolean that will be activated by an automation every time HA starts up. In this way, all the lights and thermostats will be interogated and their start status updated
To do this add in config.yaml
name: Update bTicino
initial: off
and in automations.yaml
- alias: 'bTicino MQTT Start'
- event: start
platform: homeassistant
condition: [ ]
- service: input_boolean.turn_on
entity_id: input_boolean.updatebticino
- delay:
minutes: 1
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.updatebticino
In NodeRed are present two flow, one is for command session bTicino CMD, and is used to send command to the gateway, one is for event session bTicino EVENT, and read continuosly the event from gateway for update state off all light, value from sensor and state of switch.....
See attached NodeRed Setup.pdf