'deptool.py' script facilitates deployment of software into a cluster of Linux servers.
'source' directory contains tarballs with the source code/software in the following format: ‘-<Version#>.tar.gz’. Path to the source directory must be supplied to the script as a CLI argument using -p or --path option.
'config.json' is a configuration file in JavaScript Object Notation format. It describes which hosts each artifact should be deployed to. Path to the configuration file must be supplied to the script as a CLI argument using -c or --config option.
deptool.py also must be supplied with a third argument -v or --version which describes software version which is about to be deployed.
Run deptool.py script with the three mandatory arguments. Run without any arguments to see detailed help.
deptool.py creates a backup copy of every file at the destination directory before unpacking new version of software and stores it as .orig. To roll back simply run "mv .orig ".