By Pietro Lubello (Uni. Firenze) and Sylvain Quoilin (Uni. Liège)
Suite of tools to model load shifting and demand side management at the residential level.
This repository contains a framework for the simulation of electrical and thermal demands of Belgian households.
So far two models are being used:
- StRoBe
For modelling the occupancy, use of appliances, lighting, internal heat gains and domestic hot water redrawals. - RAMP-mobility
For the modelling of the EV charging.
The library has been tested with the following dependencies:
- Standard libraries from Anaconda 3.8:
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib, ...
- dash 2.5.0
- dash-ace 0.2.1
- flask-cors 3.0.10
- joblib 1.1.0
- plotly 5.1.0
Alongside the models, some elements are directly included within the framework. It is the case of the thermal building model, the HP-based heating system and the electric boiler.
The LoadShifting library is a free software licensed under the “European Union Public Licence" EUPL v1.2. It can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of this license.