Example of a Gaussian beam:
Example of an obstacle with Dirichlet boundary conditions:
Currently adding nice configuration options. See a previous commit for the functional Schwarzschild black hole run config.
- Header-only library
- Verbose mode warns if dt is too large, stability likely criteria aren't met, etc.
- Command line interface provides access to interesting configurations and presets at any resolution, any rendering style, and any color scheme.
- Switch between different compute kernels (single core, OMP multicore, CUDA)
- (Eventual) Python interaction through ctypes for full configuration options without ever having to recompile.
- Store some static math functions (like the Schwarzschild G, Kerr G, Newtonian G) somewhere
- Store the renderer as a static function (with options for color scheme).
- Write a Wave class for configuring initial conditions
- decide how I want to handle the transformation between Source position and kernel position
- Write up the hard point source code
- Write up the hard GaussianBeam KernelSource
- Write up hard plane wave
- Go through the SOFT_ADVANCED math
- Implement the DirichletLine thing
- Code up the previous configs and make sure they compile and run. (Gaussian beam example; wave interference example; black hole example; 45 degree reflection, beam splitter, raindrop, incoherent flashlight)
- Let image deal with LodePNG.
- Test the Kerr black hole scenario
- Find my previous method for CLI and implement some options (changing dt, nx,ny on the fly).
- Litmus test: if I can run all of my previous test scenarios and make videos easily without recompiling, even at different nx and ny, then I have something highly configurable and awesome! From there I could choose to work on more features (probably yes) or optimization (meh?). Loading all of the math.falstad examples would be a cool start!
- In Wave::Wave, allow dt to be changed before domain is initialized
- Ensure that we never run into an issue with Source::fadeTime being negative or division by zero.