Releases: phuang1024/swordfish
Releases · phuang1024/swordfish
Swordfish 0.1.0
- Piece map evaluation (where to put pieces).
- Takes remaining time into account.
- Transposition table improvements.
30 games of 5|3 were played against the previous release (v0.0.3) using various balanced openings.
The results may be skewed because the previous release does not take time control into account, and was set to search at a fixed depth 4 in order to move in the allotted time.
This release won 20 games and 10 were draws. This gives an ELO rating of +279 +- 114.
Swordfish 0.0.3
Negamax with alpha-beta.
Quiescence search (only captures).
Aspiration windows and iterative deepening.
Transposition table for result lookup and move ordering.
Only material and end of game evaluation.
Move generation: 25 to 50 million NPS.
Search: 1 million NPS.
Swordfish 0.0.2
- Move generation: 20 to 50 million NPS (slower in endgames).
- Negamax search.
- Material eval.