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A Python LDES Server


This Linked Data Event Stream server is developed with the purpose to create an LDES conformance testing suite. It implements the LDES specification which is based itself on the TREE Hypermedia Specification.


The conformance tests can be found under the Conformance folder in this repository.

Running and testing

Local Setup

The easiest way to configure your local setup is via the Make actions executed from within the app directory of this project.

To check the supported Make actions



make help

Activate a Python virtual environment and install the application dependencies

make build

To start a Pyldes locally

This will only start the Pyldes service. It is expected that a local or dockerized Postgres service already is deployed.

make run

To clean the local build environment

make clean


The PyLDES server is a Flask based LDES server written in Python3. Before running, check the dependency list in the requirements.txt file.

One can install the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file via:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

or by building the local environment as described in Local Setup

Running with socket support also requires gunicorn. This is also part of the requirements.txt file and will be deployed together with the other application dependencies.


Before one build the Docker containers one needs to check if the configuration values in pyldes.env are correctly set.

In the docker-compose.yml one can see that following Dockers containers will be build and launched based on the given Make action.

  • Pyldes
  • Postgres

The below listed Make actions need to be executed from within the root of the project. This Makefile has a dependency on the pyldes.env configuration file and the Makefile from the app directory

To check the supported Make actions



make help

To build the Docker containers

This action will automatically remove (if exists) the Python virtual environment from with the app folder.

make build

To run the Docker containers

make run

To stop the Docker containers

make stop


The PyLDES server was developed using PostgreSQL version 12 but any reasonably recent version should do. All that is needed is to spin it up, create a DB with proper privileges and configure the endpoint URL: postgres_url in the config.yml file.

To use the service, you need to seed the database using the following command:

curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:5000/manage/init

After executing the above request, the server should be accessible at the root location. By default, the server hosts an endpoint on localhost port 5000. Browsing to it with a browser will show the empty server page. Querying the root address with a HTTP client (e.g., insomnia or postman) will result in the basic server information being returned.

Creating a collection

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:5000/ldes \
  --header 'Accept: text/turtle' \
  --header 'Content-Type: text/turtle' \
  --data 'BASE   <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX tree: <>
PREFIX ldes: <>
PREFIX pyldes: <>
PREFIX sosa: <>
PREFIX dcat: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>

<> a ldes:EventStream;
	pyldes:alias "Cityflows";
  dcterms:title "A sample event stream with some basic cityflows members.";
	pyldes:memberFrameSpec "{ \"@type\":\"\", \"\": {}, \"\": {}, \"\": {}, \"\":{}}".

  a tree:ViewDescription;
	pyldes:alias "CityflowsDefaultView";
	dcat:servesDataset <>;
	tree:path sosa:resultTime;
	pyldes:fragmentationKind pyldes:PageFragmentation;
	pyldes:maxNodeSize "100"^^xsd:int;
	pyldes:sequence_type "xsd:dateTime".

Some notes apply to this snippet.

  1. The pyldes:memberFrameSpec property is used to map the graph representation of a member to a non-graph json snippet used by the Postgres storage component. This is not part of the specification and may be obsoleted later when SHACL-support is added.
  2. The pyldes:fragmentationKind is a built-in fragmentation of this server that is provided for convenience and is not part of the specification. The same applies to pyldes:maxNodeSize.
  3. The pyldes:sequence_type is currently needed for the fragmentation to understand how it should order the data. It may be osoleted when SHACL support is added.

After creating the collection and the view, it shows in the root request and it is possible to follow the link to the view. The response will be empty.

Adding memebers

The following command can be used to add a member. It is possible to add multiple members in batch. Take note that using this method to add members (currently) requires to specify the meber type as an argument to the request.

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:5000/ldes/Cityflows?member_type= \
  --header 'Accept: text/turtle' \
  --header 'Content-Type: text/turtle' \
  --data 'BASE   <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX tree: <>
PREFIX ldes: <>
PREFIX pyldes: <>
PREFIX sosa: <>

<> a sosa:Observation ;
    sosa:hasSimpleResult 3.55339e+03 ;
		sosa:resultTime "2022-11-24T08:00:00+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    sosa:madeBySensor <> .


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