Packer templates for building BlackArch vagrant images. BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux -based penetration testing distribution for penetration testers and security researchers.
# creating vagrant directory if needed
mkdir vagrant-blackarch
cd vagrant-blackarch
# initial vagrant file
vagrant init ph20/blackarch-common-x86_64
# customise Vagrantfile if needed
# start vagrant instance
vagrant up
# connect to balckarch machine
vagrant ssh
git clone
cd packer-blackarch
# install all needed requirements regarding your linux distro
rake build
See all available tasks
# rake -T ─╯
rake build # Build all
rake build:common # Build common
rake build:core # Build core
rake build:full # Build full
rake check # check all requirements
rake check:free_space # Check needed free space for building
rake check:packer # Check present packer-io
rake check:python # Check present python2 interpreter
rake check:vagrant # Check present vagrant
rake clean # Remove any temporary products / Clean builds
rake clobber # Remove any generated files
rake generate_variables # Generating variables
There avalible three build types
rake build:core
- core image without pentest utils but with all needed for fast install any util;rake build:common
- image with common used utils (nmap, nikto, etc..);rake build:full
- all avaliable BlackArch tools;
HashiCorp Packer
- automates the creation of any type of machine image
- Make-like program implemented in Ruby by HashiCorp
- an open-source software product for building and maintaining portable virtual software development environments
Other: Oracle VM VirtualBox, Python, GNU Bash