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Releases: pfmonville/enigmaX


03 May 11:09
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  • fix crash for big screens

improve execution speed and fix issues with force option

22 Mar 13:35
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  • add optimization flags for compilation
  • and fix the force option that prints in console like crazy

force option

08 Aug 14:08
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+ add the force option (f): when used the program never stops to ask something to the user (when the output file would overwrites an existing file it automatically overwrites it)

Protection against overwritting

07 Aug 19:40
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+ ask user to overwrite file if the outputfile already exists (for the main process or the keyfile generation)
~ improve the display on small display (for scrambling tables generation status)

Generation of keyfile and display tweak

01 Aug 16:06
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+ new option (-k), you can generate a keyfile while crypting/decrypting your data or as a standalone
~ tweak display to prevent the loading bar to display lots of lines (width issue) now the minimum width is 26

randomized names

08 Jun 15:30
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  • New option r and R that randomize the name of the output file (r to keep the extension, R to drop it)

windows again and fixes

07 Jun 13:50
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  • update the PRNG algorithm (following official change for multiplier)
  • several fixes concerning crypting/decrypting from directory
  • windows (with bash for windows) works again
  • add a man page

Secure deletion of source file

13 Aug 14:15
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Now you can securely delete the source file using the 'd' option.
It now overwrites the source file instead of generating a new encrypted file.
There is one limitation however, when the source is a folder, it will just be removed at the end (not as secure) but the tar file generated used to encrypt the output will be overwritten by random data before deletion.

3.3.1: add precision for mac users

29 Jul 15:21
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correct prepareAndOpenMainFile functions (some return instead of exit)
add precision for mac users in the readme (concerning bash_profile)


28 Jul 12:50
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write random data in the password at the end so that nothing can be retrieved after the end of the program. (thanks @NicolasBi)

make the code prettier by making a clean and short main (first step), because the project grow bigger since the beginning.