This piece of software is my personal file and backup management tool.
I'm still writing this tool and figuring out all of its uses.
Currently it has the following features:
- Directory Flattener
var flattener = new DirectoryFlattener(new OsFileSystem());
// Moves all files from directories (including subdirectories) in
// the provided path TO the provided path
// by default, Flatten copies files
// this behavior can be changed
// directoryToUniqueName folds the directory structure
// to generate unique names instead of GUID on conflict
// C:/root/foo/bar/baz.rar will become C:/root/foo-bar-baz.rar
flattener.Flatten("E:\\images", moveFiles: true, directoryToUniqueName: true);
💡 Will not overwrite other files because if the flattened file name collides with another it is renamed to a new GUID name instead.
- File Sorter
var fileSorter = new FileSorter(new OsFileSystem());
fileSorter.AddRule(new(CommonFilePatterns.ImageFiles, @"C:\Users\micro\Pictures\sorted"));
fileSorter.AddRule(new(CommonFilePatterns.SoundFiles, @"C:\Users\micro\Music"));
fileSorter.AddRule(new(CommonFilePatterns.GimpFiles, @"C:\Users\micro\Documents\Gimp projects"));
fileSorter.AddRule(new(CommonFilePatterns.PresentationFiles, @"C:\Users\micro\Documents\Presentations"));
fileSorter.AddRule(new(CommonFilePatterns.ArchiveFiles, @"C:\Users\micro\Documents\Archives"));
fileSorter.AddRule(new(CommonFilePatterns.WindowsShortcutFiles, string.Empty, SpecialRule.Delete));
// Moves files from the provided directory into other directories
// based on the rule set defined earlier.
// Files not matching any rule won't be moved.
💡 My personal use is to first Flatten my Downloads directory (removing folders) and then sort the files
- Drive Management
var driveProvider = new LogicalDriveProvider(new OsDriveInfo(), new JsonFileDriveIdentifier());
// You can create a human-readable label for the drive
// in order to be able to recognize the drive easier
// since the path itself may change from OS to OS
driveProvider.RegisterNewDrive("E:\\", "Abigail");
var drives = driveProvider.GetRecognizedDrives();
This is primarily a tool that I myself use, but if you have any suggestions, bug reports, or even pull requests, then go ahead.
It's one of the wallpapers on wallhaven.