This mockup has been designed using resources from -
Pawsome is a collaborative pet-care app for iOS that allows you and all your pets' caregivers to work together to take the very best care of your pets.
You can keep of your pets' important information (such as name, image, food brand, weight, medications, and vet information) in a single, convenient location. Assign pet care tasks to caregivers so those caregivers know what care your pets need and when to do them, and check to see what tasks you've been assigned on different days.
Watch our full 4-minute demo video here or a short one-minute demo here.
- React Native
- Firebase (Firestore & Authentication)
- Cloudinary
- Formik & Yup
- Expo (and Expo Image Picker)
- Node.js
- XCode Simulator (to run iOS simulator)
Persistent login: Log in and stay logged in with Firebase Authentication
Create a profile: Create a profile with information about yourself, and information that applies to all your pets, such as your vet information
View pets and caregivers: See all your own pets and the pets you care for, and see all the caregivers for your pets, making it easy to find the information you're looking for
- Add pets: Add detailed information about your pets
Take photos: Take photos of yourself and of your pets
Calendar: View tasks for each day, clearly labeled with the name of the pet the task is for, organized by time due
Assign tasks: Assign pet care tasks to any or all of your pets' caregivers, with date, time, and task description
- Registration with email and password
- Read and write to Firestore
- Navigate with nested stack, drawer, and bottom navigators
- Take pictures with Expo Image picker
- Store pictures on Cloudinary
- Validate form data with Yup Validation
- Navigate between dates with CalendarStrip
Fork and clone this repo. Then, npm install.
Create a Firebase config file:
mkdir src/firebase && touch src/firebase/config.js
Add your Firebase configuration into src/firebase/config.js:
import * as firebase from 'firebase';
import '@firebase/auth';
import '@firebase/firestore';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") require("../../secrets");
const firebaseConfig = {
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
projectId: 'your-project-id-1234',
storageBucket: '',
messagingSenderId: '12345-insert-yourse',
appId: 'insert yours: 1:1234:web:ee873bd1234c0deb7eba61ce',
if (!firebase.apps.length) {
export { firebase }
npm start
and pick your simulator (see package.json for scripts)
node seed/populate.js ./seed/{NAME OF COLLECTION JSON}.json set {COLLECTION NAME}
npm install npm run start or npm run ios (for iPhone) npm run android (for Android)
The next steps for Pawsome include notifications for tasks and choosing the frequency of each task you want to add. We are also working to assign pet-sitters to our users so that they can view all of the necessary pet information. Another stretch goal is to incorportate a messaging feature within the app so that users and pet-sitters can interact with one another.
- Anna Vaigast: GitHub | LinkedIn
- Brenda Wong: GitHub | LinkedIn
- Rebekkah Jou: GitHub | LinkedIn
- McKenna Warren: GitHub | LinkedIn