The Metacuke project brings together the awesome Metasploit Framework and the excellent Cucumber regression testing framework. It makes it possible to write plain-english tests for your infrastructure which are backed by Metasploit. For example, you can write a test:
Scenario: Check default logins
Given I have a list of default systems
And I have a list of default usernames and passwords
And I check for valid logins via http
Then I should have 0 valid logins
Metacuke can be installed by pulling down the repository from Github (
Metacuke must be pointed at an instance of the Metasploit Framework RPC service. You can edit the configuration in the config/metacuke.config file. A sample has been provided in the config/ directory.
Once the config file has been edited, you must write tests for your infrastructure. You can find samples in the features/ directory.
For more information on Metasploit, see:
For more information on Cucumber, see: