40 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
🚀 Features
- You may now add multiple wallets of the same type @willyfromtheblock (#230)
- Complete redesign of rescan process, check "Wallet Scan" in app settings and "Reset" in the respective wallet @willyfromtheblock (#230)
- A multitude of currencies is now available and losely corresponds with the languages added in 1.1.8 @willyfromtheblock (#230)
- Items in "Language" and "Price Feed & Currency" settings can now be searched @willyfromtheblock (#230)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where some devices would have issues when setting up an app that was locked before @willyfromtheblock (#230)
🧰 Maintenance
- Changelog will no longer be displayed on first startup for new wallets @willyfromtheblock (#230)
- Multitude of translation updates @sandakersmann @Vitalicus @peerchemist
Beta Quality Software
Use at own risk!