+=== TURTLE FLOW SIMULATOR (TFS) ===+ Developers: Pedro Henrique Linhares ([email protected]) Wagner Queiroz ([email protected]) Institution: Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Software Científico e Aplicado (LDSC) Laboratório de Engenharia, Exploração e Produção de Petróleo (LENEP) Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF)
License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Copyright (C) 2013-2014
== Description ==
The TFS software is a reservoir simulator that is able to simulate the behaviour of an one-dimensional single phase petroleum reservoir under production conditions.
The software presents a graphical interface where the user can configure the simulation parameters. After that, the user can generate a set of configuration files needed by the simulator in order to initiate the simulation. Finnished the simulation, the interface can present the results through a set of graphics so the user can better understand the simulation.
== Dependencies == In order to build the TFS software, the following software are required:
- Qt 5.0 or higher with development libraries (specially the qmake tool)
- C++11
- Gnuplot 4.4 or higher (http://www.gnuplot.info)
== Building == You can build the TFS executable either by:
running the script build_all.sh: $ sh ./build_all.sh
running make as follows: $ make -f Makefile $ cd ./src/kernel $ make -f Makefile
The binaries are going to be generated in the bin/ folder at the root project.
== Running == To run the software you should execute it from the bin/ folder, from the project root directory do as follows: $ cd ./bin/ $ ./tfs
== Examples == The tutorial folder contains two examples of the TFS software:
- One-dimensional horizontal closed homogeneous reservoir.
- Anticline two litology reservoir with specified pressure.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
- Basic simulation of one-dimensional single phase petroleum reservoir implemented.
- Merged the interface and kernel.
- Created the kernel module.
- Created software interface.