This is an implementation of pPEG in Python. is a Python module with no dependencies.
import pPEG
# Equivalent to the regular expression for well-formed URI's in RFC 3986.
pURI = pPEG.compile("""
URI = (scheme ':')? ('//' auth)? path ('?' query)? ('#' frag)?
scheme = ~[:/?#]+
auth = ~[/?#]*
path = ~[?#]*
query = ~'#'*
frag = ~[ \t\n\r]*
if not pURI.ok: raise Exception("URI grammar error: "+pURI.err)
test = "";
uri = pURI.parse(test)
if uri.ok: print(uri.ptree)
else: print(uri.err)
The implementation is a single file with no dependencies.
Put a copy of the file into the same directory as your application, or use a PYTHONPATH shell environment variable for Python to load the module.
Not yet available for pip
Basic usage:
import pPEG
my_parser = pPEG.compile(""... my grammar rules...""")
# For the grammar rules see the [pPEG] documentation, then:
my_parse = my_parser.parse(""...input string...")
print(my_parse) # prints the ptree result or an error message
Common usage:
import pPEG
my_parser = pPEG.compile(""... my grammar rules...""")
if not my_parser.ok: raise Exception(my_parser.err)
# -- use my-parser in my application .......
my_parse = my_parser.parse('...input string...}')
if not my_parse.ok:
.... handle parse failure ...
The ptree
parse tree type is JSON data, as defined in pPEG.