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Patrick Motard edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 2 revisions


Dotfiles uses termite as it's terminal. I chose termite because it is one of the most keyboard driven terminals. It supports vim-like keybinds. It is also easy to configure via config files. See the termite projects readme for keybinds.


Dotfiles uses zsh as the default shell and oh-my-zsh to customize zsh.


Below are a list of files and directories that are important for zsh


This is where non-sensitive environment variable and $PATH exports are. ~/.profile is loaded by both zsh and other apps that rely on environment variables being set.


Where sensitive environment variables are exported. Examples: npm login tokens, api keys, etc.


Currently where aliases and functions are stored. There are a bunch of things in there right now. It's kindof messy.


Loaded by zsh in termite. ~/.zprofile loads ~/.profile. Some applications need environment variables, but those applications don't respect the default shell and load sh or bash (which would load ~/.bash_profile) instead. In order to ensure that both zsh and GUI applications like emacs get the environment variables, they are set in ~/.profile and then zsh loads ~/.zprofile. This is a common way of fixing this issue.

Helpful Commands

The oh-my-zsh wiki includes a cheatsheet that is super helpful for learning the awesome features that come out of the box.


  • terminal color scheme designer
  • terminals are sexy: currated list of terminal frameworks, plugins, and resources
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