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Astro Splide

Astro Splide is the native Astro component for the Splide slider/carousel.


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Get the latest version from NPM:

$ npm install astro-splide @splidejs/splide



Import Splide and SplideSlide components in frontmatter:

import { Splide, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/react-splide';

...and render them like this:

<Splide aria-label="My Favorite Images">
    <img src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1"/>
    <img src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2"/>

If you have the visible heading for the carousel, use aria-labelledby instead of aria-label. See this page for more details.


Select a CSS file you want to use in frontmatter, and import it:

// Default theme
import '@splidejs/react-splide/css';

// or other themes
import '@splidejs/react-splide/css/skyblue';
import '@splidejs/react-splide/css/sea-green';

// or only core styles
import '@splidejs/react-splide/css/core';

Custom Structure

Although <Splide> renders a track element by default, you can handle them respectively with the hasTrack prop and the <SplideTrack> component. In a nutshell, following 2 components render the same HTML:

import { Splide, SplideTrack, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/react-splide';

<Splide hasTrack={ false }>

Separating <SplideTrack> from <Splide> allows you to place arrows, pagination or other controls anywhere outside the track in the similar way of vanilla Splide. For example, Splide renders arrows before a track by default, but you are able to specify the location with a placeholder:

<Splide hasTrack={ false } aria-label="...">
  <div class="custom-wrapper">

    <div class="splide__arrows" />

...or with custom arrows:

<Splide hasTrack={ false } aria-label="...">

  <div class="splide__arrows">
    <button class="splide__arrow splide__arrow--prev">Prev</button>
    <button class="splide__arrow splide__arrow--next">Next</button>

In the same way, you can add an autoplay toggle button and progress bar like so:

<Splide hasTrack={ false } aria-label="...">

  <div class="splide__progress">
    <div class="splide__progress__bar" />

  <button class="splide__toggle" type="button">
 	  <span class="splide__toggle__play">Play</span>
 	  <span class="splide__toggle__pause">Pause</span>


<Splide hasTrack={ false } aria-label="...">
  <div class="custom-wrapper">
    <button class="splide__toggle" type="button">
      <span class="splide__toggle__play">Play</span>
      <span class="splide__toggle__pause">Pause</span>

    <div class="splide__progress">
      <div class="splide__progress__bar" />



<Splide> accepts HTMLAttributes that will be assigned to a carousel root element, except for DOMAttributes. For instance, class and 'aria-label' are acceptable:

<Splide class="my-carousel" aria-label="My Favorite Images">

Additionally, it takes a few more props.


options: Options

Splide options as an object:

  options={ {
    rewind: true,
    width : 800,
    gap   : '1rem',
  } }


tag: 'div' | 'section' | 'header' | 'footer' | 'nav' = 'div'

Allows you to specify the tag name used for the root element. Although the default value is div for backward compatibility, 'section' is recommended.

If you are using header, footer, or nav, you have to provide the most appropriate landmark role together. Otherwise, your accessibility tree will be invalid.

<Splide tag="section"></Splide>


hasTrack: boolean = true

Determines whether to render a track or not.


You can listen to (all Splide events)[] through the Splide component. The name of the callback function is generated by the original name with adding an "on" prefix, converting the format to the camelcase and removing colons. For example, "arrows:mounted" becomes "onArrowsMounted". The event list is available in this file.

<Splide onArrowsMounted={ ( splide, prev, next ) => { console.log( prev, next ) } }>

Note that the handler always takes the splide instance as the first argument, and original arguments after it.


Using an extension requires some more code from the developer:

  • Use SplideExtension instead of Splide
  • define the script part as follows. Note that it contains part related to the extension. Modify it accordingly.

Typical code would be, here being the @splidejs/splide-extension-auto-scroll extension:

import "@splidejs/splide/css"
import { SplideExtension, SplideSlide } from 'astro-splide';
const options = {
  ...,   // regular options of splide
  autoScroll: {   // specific options of the used extension
    speed: 1,
<SplideExtension options={options}>

  import { initSplideExtension } from "astro-splide/js/splideExtensionUtils"
  import { AutoScroll } from '@splidejs/splide-extension-auto-scroll';  // update with your extension
  initSplideExtension({AutoScroll})  // update with your extension

Note that it is the user responsability to install the splide extension

Limitations: a single extension can be used in a rendered page


Here is a small example:

import "@splidejs/splide/css"
import { Splide, SplideSlide } from 'astro-splide';
  options={ {
    rewind: true,
    gap   : '1rem',
  } }
  aria-label="My Favorite Images"
    <img src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1"/>
    <img src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2"/>
    <img src="image3.jpg" alt="Image 3"/>

You can see working examples in this page and their sources here:

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Astro Splide and Splide are released under the MIT license.
© 2024 Pascal Brand
© 2021 Naotoshi Fujita