The bare-bones code set for superpixel agglomeration and classifier training.
The methods implemeted in this code repo are described in the PloS ONE paper: Parag, T. et. al (2015). A Context-Aware Delayed Agglomeration Framework for Electron Microscopy Segmentation (
This repository borrows implementations of the graph and feature datastructures from Janelia FlyEM NeuroProof (, which I am also a contributor to.
Linux: Install miniconda on your workstation. Create and activate the conda environment using the following commands:
conda create -n my_conda_env -c flyem vigra=1.10 opencv
source activate my_conda_env
Then follow the usual procedure of building:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=[CONDA_ENV_PATH]/my_conda_env ..
The inputs and outputs for the following example are self explanatory. The option -threshold indicates the boundary predictor confidence at which the agglomeration should stop.
build/NeuroProof_stack -watershed watershed2_4class_600000_10_800_1000_1.0_2.h5 stack -prediction pixel_prediction2_4class_600000_10_800_1000_1.0_2.h5 stack -classifier int_classifier2_600000_1000_800_e5000_1.xml -output /result_600000_800_1_mthd0.35_e500_thd0.3_m4.h5 stack -algorithm 1 -threshold 0.3
The necesary files are uploaded to Dropbox instead due to filesize limitation.
Note that the superpixel boundary classifier used in this example is not the optimal one. Therefore, the result may be suboptimal if one uses this particular classifier.
Contact: [email protected]