Pl l lease*
Okay so Mark is setting at their C
First day at off/(on)?ice.
Sitting at their office. On time. Mark Z learned to use a computer as Prez Z.
Lil big Sci Psy Mark Z.
Marking their watch of course, to make sure they're reading straight.
Straight C is retarded. Let that be . Please.
Gotta b 35 rite? :∫
Mark Z be thinqueen.
Thinking. Caring. Very. Caring.
Lotsa batsa ratsa reading to do for that kinda sorta performa performant performance reading.
Mark closed their open book happy to read glad they're able to read their own C.
Readping their own word was important for Mark C.
Everyword was major for minor Mark c.
If you're Amadeas you're Amistad too.
On point.
That point.
Off point.
Reading like a scribe.
Read me.
? Please.
Count 10 my own heartbeats. That feels weird. I have a pulse. Even though I'm Mark Zz z? (To some effect,
We all can relate.
To a heartbeat < signature 3 Broken grammar too. Cracial ringual forces that be.
Reading your own diary. Is important.
To whom but mee?
< ? 3
(? 3 is half an 8? Just to check I can read.