You can configure environment variables with an .env.development
file while you're developing.
For an example configuration, see env.example
These are all the environment variables needed to configure the frontend:
Variable | Description | Type | Default |
WALLET_CONFIG_API_TIMEOUT | Timeout in millis for HTTP requests to APIs | number | |
WALLET_CONFIG_API_BASEPATH | APIs basepath | string | |
WALLET_CONFIG_API_HOST | APIs host | string | |
WALLET_CONFIG_WEBVIEW_PM_HOST | Webivew host of PM | string | |
WALLET_CONFIG_API_PM_BASEPATH | API pm basepath | string | |
WALLET_OUTCOME_API_BASEPATH | API wallet outcome basepath | string | |
WALLET_CONFIG_API_ENV | Deployment environment (DEV, UAT or PROD) | string | |
WALLET_PAGOPA_LOGOS_CDN | CDN host to retrieve image resources | string | |
WALLET_ONBOARD_SWITCH_ON_PAYMENT_PAGE | show/hidden the save method's toggle | number |