Minimal library for bridging ROS2 and IMC messages. In this way, the exchange of information between Neptus and ROS2 is possible. For this project the imc_ros_bridge library as well as the Neptus project were used as a model for further development.
- Clone the repositories and compile them:
$ source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd imc_neptus_ros2
$ colcon build
- Different nodes can be run depending on the application. So far there are three different ones; vehicle_node, vessel_node and transponder_node, which can be displayed in Neptus simultaneously or independently. Please use the following commands.
source install/local_setup.bash
- To display the nodes independently use:
ros2 run imc_ros2_bridge [node] --ros-args -p bridge_address:='' -p neptus_address:='' -p sys_name:='FS Heincke'
ros2 run imc_ros2_bridge [node] --ros-args --params-file ~/imc_neptus_ros2/config/params.yaml
- To display the nodes simultaneously use:
ros2 launch imc_ros2_bridge params_route:="~/imc_neptus_ros2/config/params.yaml"
- To test the robot position, in a new terminal use:
$ ros2 topic pub /estimated_state bridge_msgs/msg/EstimatedState "{lat: 0.9269503, lon: 0.154465, phi: 0.087, theta: 0.75, psi: 0.785}"
$ git clone -b miniROV
$ cd neptus
$ ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew && ./gradlew run
For more information you may visit the imc_ros_bridge and Neptus projects.
std_msgs::msg::Empty on topic /heartbeat -> IMC::Heartbeat
sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix on topic /gps_fix -> IMC::GpsFix
geometry_msgs::msg::Pose on topic /goto_input -> IMC::Goto
sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix on topic /gps_nav_data -> IMC::GpsNavData
bridge_msgs::msg::RemoteState on topic /remote_state -> IMC::RemoteState
bridge_msgs::msg::EstimatedState on topic /estimated_state -> IMC::EstimatedState
IMC::Goto -> geometry_msgs::msg::Pose on topic /goto_waypoint
IMC::Abort -> std_msgs::msg::Empty on topic /abort
IMC::Heartbeat -> std_msgs::msg::Empty on topic /imc_heartbeat
IMC::PlanDB -> bridge_msgs::msg::PlanDB on topic /plan_db (JSON)
IMC::Plancontrol -> bridge_msgs::msg::PlanControl on topic /plan_control