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Laravel Auditing allows you to record changes to an Eloquent model's set of data by simply adding its trait to your model. Laravel Auditing also provides a simple interface for retreiving an audit trail for a piece of data and allows for a great deal of customization in how that data is provided.

Auditing is based on the package revisionable


Laravel Auditing can be installed with Composer, more details about this package in Composer can be found here.

Run the following command to get the latest version package:

composer require owen-it/laravel-auditing

Open the file config/app.php and then add the service provider, this step is required.

'providers' => [
    // ...

Note: This provider is important for the publication of configuration files.

Only after complete the step before, use the following command to publish configuration settings:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OwenIt\Auditing\AuditingServiceProvider"

Finally, execute the migration to create the logs table in your database. This table is used to save audit the logs.

php artisan migrate



Implementation using Trait

To register the change log, use the trait OwnerIt\Auditing\AuditingTrait in the model you want to audit

// app/Team.php
namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use OwenIt\Auditing\AuditingTrait;

class Team extends Model 
    use AuditingTrait;

Base implementation Legacy Class

It is also possible to have your model extend the OwnerIt\Auditing\Auditing class to enable auditing. Example:

// app/Team.php
namespace App;

use OwenIt\Auditing\Auditing;

class Team extends Auditing 

Configuration (optional)

Auditing behavior settings

The Auditing behavior settings are carried out with the declaration of attributes in the model. See the examples below:

  • Turn off logging after a number of logs: $historyLimit = 500
  • Disable / enable logging: $auditEnabled = false
  • Turn off logging for specific fields: $dontKeepLogOf = ['field1', 'field2']

Note: This implementation is optional, you can make these customizations where desired.

// app/Team.php
namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Team extends Model 
    use OwenIt\Auditing\AuditingTrait;
    // Disables the log record in this model.
    protected $auditEnabled  = false;
    // Disables the log record after 500 records.
    protected $historyLimit = 500; 
    // Fields you do NOT want to register.
    protected $dontKeepLogOf = ['created_at', 'updated_at'];
    // Tell what actions you want to audit.
    protected $auditableTypes = ['created', 'saved', 'deleted'];

Auditing settings

Using the configuration file, you can define:

  • The Model used to represent the current user of application.
  • A different database connection for audit.
  • The table name used for log registers.

The configuration file can be found at config/auditing.php

// config/auditing.php
return [

    // Authentication Model
    'model' => App\User::class,

    // Database Connection
    'connection' => null,

    // Table Name
    'table' => 'logs',

Getting the Logs

// app/Http/Controller/MyAppController.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Team;

class MyAppController extends BaseController 
    public function index()
        $team = Team::find(1); // Get team
        $team->logs; // Get all logs
        $team->logs->first(); // Get first log
        $team->logs->last();  // Get last log
        $team->logs->find(2); // Selects log

Getting logs with user responsible for the change.

use OwenIt\Auditing\Log;

$logs = Log::with(['user'])->get();


use App\Team;

$logs = Team::logs->with(['user'])->get();

Note: Remember to properly define the user model in the file config/auditing.php

'model' => App\User::class,

Customizing log message

You can define your own log messages for presentation. These messages can be defined for both the model as well as for each one of fields.The dynamic part of the message can be done by targeted fields per dot segmented as{} or {|Default value} or {||callbackMethod}.

Note: This implementation is optional, you can make these customizations where desired.

Set messages to the model

// app/models/Post.php

namespace App\Models;
use OwenIt\Auditing\Auditing;

class Post extends Auditing 
    public static $logCustomMessage = '{|Anonymous} {type} a post {elapsed_time}'; // with default value
    public static $logCustomFields = [
        'title'  => 'The title was defined as "{new.title||getNewTitle}"', // with callback method
        'ip' => 'Registered from the address {ip|route|getAnotherthing}',
        'publish_date' => [
            'created' => 'Publication date: {new.publish_date}',
            'updated' => 'The post publication date has been updated from {old.publish_date} to {new.publish_date}'
    public function getNewTitle($log)
        return $log->old['title'];
    public function getAnotherthing($log)
        return ':(';

Getting change logs

// app/Http/Controllers/MyAppController.php 
    public function auditing()
        $logs = Post::find(1)->logs; // Get logs of Post
        return view('admin.auditing', compact('logs'));

Featuring log records:

    // resources/views/admin/auditing.blade.php
        @forelse ($logs as $log)
                {{ $log->customMessage }}
                    @forelse ($log->customFields as $custom)
                        <li>{{ $custom }}</li>
                        <li>No details</li>
            <p>No logs</p>


  1. Antério Vieira created a post 1 day ago
    • The title was defined as "Did someone say rapid?"
    • Registered from the address
    • Publication date: 2016-05-25 00:49:26.0
  2. Antério Vieira updated a post 1 day ago
    • The title was updated as "Did someone say rapid?"
    • Registered from the address
    • The post publication date has been updated from 2016-05-20 00:49:26.0 to 2016-05-25 00:49:26.0
  3. Raphael França deleted a post 2 day ago
    • Registered from the address
  4. ...

Database: auditing-table


Spark Auditing

For convenience we decided to use the spark for this example, the demonstration of auditing is simple and self explanatory. Click here and see for yourself.


Dreams is a developed api to serve as an example or direction for developers using laravel-auditing. You can access the application here. The back-end (api) was developed in laravel 5.1 and the front-end (app) in angularjs, the detail are these:


Contributions are welcomed; to keep things organized, all bugs and requests should be opened on github issues tab for the main project in the owen-it/laravel-auditing/issues.

All pull requests should be made to the branch Develop, so they can be tested before being merged into the master branch.

Having problems?

If you are having problems with the use of this package, there is likely someone has faced the same problem. You can find common answers to their problems:


The laravel-audit package is open source software licensed under the license MIT