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A well-tested, boilerplate for developing new internet projects -->

Pablo Picasso, 1969 — Homme et femme- bustes

Getting started

Make sure your node -v is at least 5. Then do:

curl -sL | tar xz
cd rough-master
npm install
npm start

That's it. Check the features listed below or dive directly into the package.json and gulpfile.js to see what scripts and tasks are available.


This rough boilerplate is very similar to yeoman/generator-webapp in being a gulp workflow based on three scripts:

  1. npm start starts a local server, everything will compile and live-reload on changes
  2. npm run build moves everything to /dist — compiled, minified and optimized. Ready for deployment
  3. npm test lints your styles and scripts and runs tests (by default there's a test to ensure your project compiles and builds)

Below the hood the following tasks are used. You can always call them directly, although it shouldn't be necessary.

  • gulp templates with Handlebars (and handlebars-layouts)
  • gulp styles with Sass (and libsass, autoprefixer & sourcemaps + easy imports from npm modules)
  • gulp scripts with Browserify, Rollup and next-gen JavaScript with Babel
  • gulp icons with Grunticon for SVG icons
  • gulp images optimizes images and generates SVG icons with icons
  • gulp critical is used by build to inline critical-path CSS
  • gulp rev to revision static assets for better caching
  • gulp serve:dist to test what you just build locally


  • app/images
  • app/images/icons (svg icons)
  • app/images/favicons (moved to root on build)
  • app/styles
  • app/scripts
  • app/scripts/vendor (for modules not available through npm)
  • app/fonts (webfonts)


It also contains a few optional features:

  • Custom select styles
  • Grids using Susy for the math
  • Configurable breakpoints
  • Lazy loading and responsive images using lazysizes and picturefill
  • Modernizr (use the link in the top of the file to customize it)

And base styles to cover many edge-cases.

  • SUIT CSS base (extends normalize.css)
  • Component based styles structure
  • Useful mixins/utilities for calculating rem/em etc.


Stylesheets are compiled from SCSS and divided into:

  • Base
  • Utilities
  • Components
  • Layout

Base styles are not allowed to use class selectors. The base is for styling default elements and configuration as colors, layout measures etc.

Utilities are helpers to build your project. Could be for alignment, spacing or clearfixing etc.

Components are the parts that make up your project. They are based on the 'base', build with 'utilities' and placed into 'layout'. Components can also contain layout. Most components are unique to a project.

Naming convention

We closely follow SUIT's naming convention.


We are using grunticon-cli to handle icons and svg sprites. There's a gulp icons task that compiles all .svg (and png) icons that you place in app/images/icons. Grunticon will merge them into a single CSS file that is then loaded async. It automatically runs as you gulp serve or gulp build. Grunticon includes a grunticon.loader.js which is referenced in the head of your index.html. It will load the appropriate sprite method depending on your browser. Don't worry, it works.

For example, to use a example-icon.svg icon, you could the element <i class="icon-example-icon"></i>.

The app/styles/base/_icons.scss file contains a few base styles to make styling icons easier.

Trouble in paradise?

Are you using a node version of at least 5? Please try the the nuclear method: rm -rf node_modules; npm cache clean; npm install