Lighter Clojure replacement for Netflix hystrix latency and fault tolerance library
Basically: it runs tasks.
- synchronous execution is provided by the
function - asynchronous execution is provided by the
function - each execution is mesured :
queue duration
is the overhead time between submission and execution of the duration
is the time took to purely execute the task- mesurements are attached to the result as metadata.
- a hook (
) lets specify a side-effect to execute in case of task failure - another one (
) is used to provide a default value in case of task failure - an execution timeout can be specified : the task is guaranteed to take at most this amount of time, otherwise it will fail.
A commander is an object that implements the Commander
protocol. The above features are provided whatever the
implementation of the Commmander.
A commander implements the task scheduling and the metrics.
There are two commanders provided :
is a no dependency commander that runs tasks out of a managed threadpool.pumila.commander.reference
is a commander based on dirigiste (a finely managed threadpool implementation), and metrics-clojure.
You can implement your own commander, for example based on a ready made ExecutorService and micro-meter.
(defn get-my-uri
(:body (http/get uri)))
;; this is a very basic commander, not suitable for production
;; you may want to use the one provided in pumila.commander.reference
(def commander (pmc/new-commander))
(let [;; async
f (pm/queue commander {:timeout 1000 :error-fn println :fallback-fn (constantly "I feel lucky!")}
(get-my-uri ""))
result1 @f
;; sync
result2 (pm/exec commander {:timeout 1000 :error-fn println :fallback-fn (constantly "I feel lucky!")}
(get-my-uri ""))])
Copyright © 2016
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.