EU Cookie Law warning message
- jQuery not required
- multilanguage support
- customizable style
- responsive
- Bootstrap detect
- adjustable delay and expire days
- callback
- without parameters
<html lang="en">
<script id="cookieWarn" type="text/javascript" src="../cookie-warn.min.js"></script>
- all parameters
- texts and links by html lang attribute
<html lang="en">
'text': 'Our website uses cookies.',
'more_text': 'Click here for more information',
'more_link': '',
'accept_text': 'I accept',
'reject_text': 'I reject',
'reject_info': 'You can disable unwanted cookies by using this program',
'reject_link': ''
'close_text': 'Close'
}" (optional, setup texts and links)
data-callback="cookieWarnCallback" (callback function name, optional)
data-debug="true" (show debug info in console, optional)
data-expire="365" (default 365 day, optional)
data-domain="*.domain.tld" (cookie domain, optional)
data-path="/" (cookie path, optional)
data-secure="true" (cookie secure https, optional)
data-delay="750" (default 500, optional)
data-class="customCookieWarningClass" (optional)
data-style="#cookieWarnBox a { color: #ff0000; }" (optional)
var cookieWarnCallback = function(accepted) {
if (accepted) {
// do something...
} else {
// do nothing...
- with default parameters
- texts and links by html lang attribute
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../cookie-warn.min.js"></script>
'text':'Our website uses cookies.',
'accept_text':'Accept all',
'accept_essential_text':'Accept only essential',
'more_text':'Click here for more information',
'text':'Weboldalunk sütiket használ.',
'more_text':'Kattints ide a bővebb információért',
- accept cookies by types (necessary, all, custom)