Emoncms is an open-source web application for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data and is part of the OpenEnergyMonitor project.
Version 9 of emoncms has been developed by Chaveiro with a significant list of improvements, see forum thread with full change log
Note: We are currently reorganising the emoncms branches. The master branch is now the same as 9.x.
master - The latest and greatest developments. Potential bugs, use at your own risk! EmonCMS 9.x forum thread
stable - emonPi/emonBase release branch, regularly merged from master. Slightly more tried and tested.
low-write (v8.5) - The old emonpi/emonbase emoncms version (July 15 ready-to-go SD card image). Low-write mode is now available in v9.0. The low write version of emoncms is designed for running on SD cards. This is a cut down version of emoncms supports only the phpfina and phptimeseries feed engines (no in built feed averaging or histograms) and a reduced input processor set. Archived branch
Optional modules
Optional modules can be installed by downloading or git cloning into the emoncms/Modules folder. Be sure to update check for database updates in Administration menu after installing new modules:
Dashboards module, required for creating, viewing and publishing dashboards: https://github.com/emoncms/dashboard
App provides application specific dashboards for emoncms: myelectric, mysolar, mysolar&wind, myheatpump https://github.com/emoncms/app.git
Config provides an in-browser emonhub.conf editor and emonhub.log log viewer. git clone https://github.com/emoncms/config.git
Wifi provides an in emoncms wifi configuration interface designed for use on the emonpi. git clone https://github.com/emoncms/wifi.git
There are many other modules such as the event module and openbem (open source building energy modelling module) that are available, check out the emoncms repo list: https://github.com/emoncms
v9 Development http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/11009
EmonView: An open source python, flask, socketio, js web application for monitoring and control https://github.com/trystanlea/emonview
Documentation hosted on openenergymonitor documentation github:
- Emoncms architecture
- Input processing
- Emoncms time series database development history
- Variable interval time series
- Fixed interval time series
- Fixed interval with averaging time series
- Improving write performance with buffering
- Forum post: How to build an Energy Monitoring Android App part 1
- How to build an Energy Monitoring Android App P1 - Retrieving data from a remote server such as emoncms.org
- How to build an Energy Monitoring Android App P2 - Drawing an Energy Monitoring display with java 2d canvas
- Drawing a myelectric style bar chart
- Official site - http://emoncms.org
- OpenEnergyMonitor Forums
- OpenEnergyMonitor Labs page
Emoncms is developed and has had contributions from the following people.
- Trystan Lea https://github.com/trystanlea (principal maintainer)
- Chaveiro https://github.com/chaveiro (principal developer of v9)
- Glyn Hudson https://github.com/glynhudson
- Paul Reed https://github.com/Paul-Reed
- Ildefonso Martínez https://github.com/ildemartinez
- Matthew Wire https://github.com/mattwire
- Baptiste Gaultier https://github.com/bgaultier
- Paul Allen https://github.com/MarsFlyer
- James Moore https://github.com/foozmeat
- Lloyda https://github.com/lloyda
- JSidrach https://github.com/JSidrach
- Jramer https://github.com/jramer
- Drsdre https://github.com/drsdre
- Dexa187 https://github.com/dexa187
- Carlos Alonso Gabizó
- PlaneteDomo https://github.com/PlaneteDomo
- Paul Reed https://github.com/Paul-Reed
- thunderace https://github.com/thunderace
- pacaj2am https://github.com/pacaj2am
- Ynyr Edwards https://github.com/ynyreds
- Jerome https://github.com/Jerome-github
- fake-name https://github.com/fake-name