## install.packages("remotes")
The ovml
package provides image and video machine learning tools for
volleyball analytics. See also
ovmlpy, which provides similar
functionality but with Python-based implementations that are currently
substantially faster than the libtorch-based implementations in ovml
Currently three versions of the YOLO object detection algorithm are included (versions 3, 4, and 7) and an experimental version of this network specifically for detecting volleyballs. These have been implemented on top of the torch R package, meaning that no Python installation is required on your system.
NOTE: the performance of this package is substantially slower than the equivalent native C++/Python implementations. This is a known limitation of the R torch package (see e.g. mlverse/torch#694, mlverse/torch#268) and improvements are expected over time. Nevertheless, this R package provides a convenient mechanism for R users to apply these algorithms without requiring Python (perhaps best suited to analyses of small numbers of images or non-time-critical applications).
Note that you probably can’t use ovml
and ovmlpy
in the same R
session, because of conflicts in shared libraries.
This implementation drew from ayooshkathuria/pytorch-yolo-v3, walktree/libtorch-yolov3, rockyzhengwu/libtorch-yolov4, gwinndr/YOLOv4-Pytorch, and WongKinYiu/yolov7.
Use a YOLOv4 network to recognize objects in an image. We use a video frame image (bundled with the package):
img <- ovml_example_image()
Construct the network. The first time this function is run, it will download and cache the network weights file (~250MB).
dn <- ovml_yolo()
Now we can use the network to detect objects in our image:
dets <- ovml_yolo_detect(dn, img, conf = 0.3)
dets <- dets[dets$class %in% c("person", "sports ball"), ]
ovml_ggplot(img, dets)
Note that this network didn’t detect the volleyball (in the process of being contacted by the server). Let’s try the experimental volleyball-specific network:
dn <- ovml_yolo("4-mvb")
ball_dets <- ovml_yolo_detect(dn, img)
ovml_ggplot(img, ball_dets, label_geom = NULL) ## don't add the label, it obscures the volleyball
We can transform the image detections to real-world court coordinates.
First we need to define the court reference points needed for the
transformation. We can use the ov_shiny_court_ref
helper app for this:
ref <- ov_shiny_court_ref(img)
should look something like:
#> $antenna
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#> image_x image_y antenna where
#> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 0.208 0.348 left floor
#> 2 0.82 0.353 right floor
#> 3 0.823 0.641 right net_top
#> 4 0.2 0.643 left net_top
#> $video_width
#> [1] 1280
#> $video_height
#> [1] 720
#> $video_framerate
#> [1] 30
#> $net_height
#> [1] 2.43
#> $court_ref
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#> image_x image_y court_x court_y
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0.0549 0.0221 0.5 0.5
#> 2 0.953 0.0233 3.5 0.5
#> 3 0.751 0.52 3.5 6.5
#> 4 0.289 0.516 0.5 6.5
Now use it with the ov_transform_points
function (note that currently
this function expects the image coordinates to be normalized with
respect to the image width and height):
court_xy <- ovideo::ov_transform_points(x = (dets$xmin + dets$xmax) / 2 / ref$video_width,
y = dets$ymin / ref$video_height,
ref = ref$court_ref, direction = "to_court")
dets <- cbind(dets, court_xy)
And plot it:
ggplot(dets, aes(x, y)) + ggcourt(labels = NULL, court_colour = "indoor") + geom_point()
Keep in mind that ov_transform_points
is using the middle-bottom of
each bounding box and transforming it assuming that this represents a
point on the court surface (the floor). Locations associated with
truncated object boxes, or objects not on the court surface (players
jumping, people in elevated positions such as the referee’s stand) will
appear further away from the camera than they actually are.