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(Use Case Vocabulary) Off site science support

Henning Lorenz edited this page Jan 11, 2019 · 4 revisions

Note: the original version of the use case might be beyond borehole standard - managing version is a complex problem that might be better address by generic versioning tools rather than domain specific model. Nonetheless, this use case lists concept that remain of interest for use case 1.


Definition of terms used for describing the content (features/attributes) that is used for UC14 "Off-site science support". This vocabulary includes all features and their attributes from the data tables that are created from/by the Drilling Information System (DIS), which is used to document the scientific data acquisition and physical drilling progress at research drillings by IODP & ICDP. The features/attributes that are relevant for the use case will be selected in the course of the work.

Note: The IODP/ICDP naming convention is the basis for identifying a specific feature. The naming is hierarchical and an example given at the description of the respective concept/feature below.


Concept/Feature: Expedition

Definition: A continuous time period of drilling and related scientific work. The expedition (or project) can span multiple boreholes and also multiple sites. It includes the scientific work that is required for basic documentation of the drill core and boreholes and, thus, can span a much longer time than the actual drilling.

IODP/ICDP naming example: 5054 (Expedition number)



Number of the expedition/project (According to IODP/ICDP convention).


Designation of the drilling program to which the expedition/project belongs to.


Name of the expedition/project.


Acronym of the expedition/project.

Start date

Start date of the expedition/project.

End date

End date of the expedition/project.


1 character according to IODP/ICDP encoding (for the used drill ship or alternative platform). => Duplicated in/from concept/feature Site!)

Chief scientist

Name of the chief scientist/project leader.


Name of the area where the expedition/project operates/operated.


Comment on the expedition/project.

Concept/Feature: Site

Definition: An area of limited extension where one or several (often topically related) boreholes are located.

IODP/ICDP naming example: 5054-1 (Expedition number-Drill site number)



Number of the expedition under which this site was created/used.(see concept/feature Expedition).


Site number (within expedition; 1,2,...). According to IODP/ICDP convention.


Site or locality name.


1 character according to IODP/ICDP encoding (for the used drill ship or alternative platform).


Latitude of the drill site.


Longitude of the drill site.


Elevation of the drill site.

Date start

Start date of drilling operations at the site.

Date ends

End date of drilling operations at the site.


Remarks about the drill site.

Concept/Feature: Borehole

Definition: "A borehole is the generalized term for any narrow shaft drilled in the ground.". INSPIRE definition (removing ", either vertically, horizontally, or inclined." from the initial GeoSciML one).

IODP/ICDP naming example: 5054-1-A (Expedition number-Drill site number-Borehole character)



Number of the expedition to which this borehole belongs to (see concept/feature Expedition).


Number of the site from which this borehole was drilled (see concept/feature Site).


Character code of the borehole (within the site; A ... Z; IODP/ICDP convention).


Latitude of the borehole.


Longitude of the borehole.


Elevation of the borehole.

Date start

Start date of drilling operations on the borehole.

Date ends

End date of drilling operations on the borehole.


Remarks about drill site.


Used to designate gear that is used for the hole (better definition required, or obsolete).


The International GeoSample Number of the borehole.

** The features below are present only if core drilling was employed at some time during drilling **

Concept/Feature: Core run

Definition: A core run is defined by the drilling that happens during the time in which one core barrel is in the borehole. It starts when drilling succeeds with the empty core barrel and ends when the core barrel is full or has to be retrieved from the borehole for other reasons. The entire drill core retrieved from a borehole is the sum of drill core from all core runs in this borehole. It is also called the sampling material.

IODP/ICDP naming example: 5054-1-A-178Z (Expedition number-Drill site number-Borehole character-Core run number and coring type designation)



Number of the expedition to which this core run belongs to (see concept/feature Expedition).


Number of the site to which this core run belongs to (see concept/feature Site).


Character code of the borehole from which this core run was retrieved (see concept/feature Borehole).


Core run number (within borehole; 1,2,...). IODP/ICDP convention.

Core type

1 character code for the core type according to IODP/ICDP convention (stands for e.g. piston, gravity, diamond core).

Top depth

Driller's depth at the top of the core (i.e. when drilling of the core run commences).

Bottom depth

Driller's depth at the bottom of the core (i.e. when the core barrel is pulled out of the hole).

Drilled length

Drilled length (calculated from top and bottom depths).

MCD offset

Offset between driller's depth and MCD (mean corrected depth, which is the depth after corrections by the scientists (e.g. after logging)).

MCD top

Corrected top depth (calculated as Top depth + MCD offset).

MCD bottom

Corrected bottom depth (calculated as Bottom depth + MCD offset).

Core recovery

Length of the recovered core as measured by the scientists.

Core recovery PC

Core recovery in percentage (calculated as Core recovery / Drilled length).

Core on deck

Time and date when the core arrived on the drill deck.


Boolean value to indicate whether the core run is oriented, i.e. orientation measured by a dedicated device. The values are stored in a different table (need to be included).

Last section

Number of last section of the core, i.e number of sections in which the core run was subdivided (see definition of section below).

Core catcher

Boolean value that indicates whether a core catcher section exists or not. Mainly important for unconsolidated sediment cores, where the core catcher might contain additional material.


Initials of the data operator.


Remarks on the core run.


The International GeoSample Number of the core run.

Concept/Feature: Core section

Definition: A core run consists of one to many core sections. This subdivision is defined by the scientists who handle the core and the ways to do this may vary from project to project.

IODP/ICDP naming example: 5054-1-A-178Z-3WR (Expedition number-Drill site number-Borehole character-Core run number and coring type designation-Section number and character code for part of section)



Number of the expedition to which this core section belongs to (see concept/feature Expedition).


Number of the site to which this core section belongs to (see concept/feature Site).


Character code of the borehole from which this core section was retrieved (see concept/feature Borehole).


Core run number to which this core section belongs to (see concept/feature Core run).


Section number within the core run.

Init length

Length of the core section as measured by the scientist.

Curated length

The length of the curated core section.

Top depth

Driller's depth at the top of the core section (calculated from values of the core run and the other sections in this core run).

Bottom depth

Driller's depth at the bottom of the core section (calculated from Top depth and Init length).


Boolean value that indicates whether this section is the core catcher section or not.

MCD top

Corrected top depth (calculated as Top depth + MCD offset of the core run).

MCD bottom

Corrected bottom depth (calculated as Bottom depth + MCD offset of the core run).


Number of the core box in which this core section is stored (see concept/feature Core box).


Numnber of the core box slot in which this core section is stored (see concept/feature Core box).


Position of the section in the core box slot (several core sections can be stored in one slot; top, middle, bottom, full).


Initials of the data operator.


Remarks on the core section.


The International GeoSample Number of the core section.

Concept/Feature: Core unit

Definition: Part of a core section with common descriptive attributes, used e.g. for visual core description.

IODP/ICDP naming example: 5054-1-A-178Z-3WR-54 (Expedition number-Drill site number-Borehole character-Core run number and coring type designation-Section number and character code for part of section-cm from top of the section)



Number of the expedition to which this core unit belongs to (see concept/feature Expedition).


Number of the site to which this core unit belongs to (see concept/feature Site).


Character code of the borehole to which this core unit belongs to (see concept/feature Borehole).


Core run number to which this core unit belongs to (see concept/feature Core run).


Number of the section of which this unit is part of (see concept/feature Core section).

Section unit

Number of this section unit on the core section.

Top interval

Distance from the top of the section to the top of the section unit.

Top depth

Driller's depth at the top of the section unit (calculated and stored in the database).

Top depth MCD (should be "MCD Top" in accordance with the naming on core run and core section)

Corrected depth at the top of the section unit (calculated and stored in the database).

Various fields to describe the section unit, not harmonised (based on requirements from the expedition).

Concept/Feature: Core sample

Definition: A core sample is a piece of drill core that is taken from the sampling material in order to perform detailed studies. Afterwards, a sample may be returned to the sampling material or lost (destructive investigations). Hierarchically, the core sample is a part of a core section.



Number of the expedition to which this core sample belongs to (see concept/feature Expedition).


Number of the site to which this core sample belongs to (see concept/feature Site).


Character code of the borehole to which this core sample belongs to (see concept/feature Borehole).


Core run number to which the sampled core section belongs to (see concept/feature Core run).


Section number of the sampled section (see concept/feature Core section).


Indicates which part of section is sampled (archive or working half, whole round; IODP/ICDP convention).


Sample code (if present, the type codes are defined by the expedition, i.e. are unregulated).

Top depth

Relative top depth of the sample (on the section).

Bottom depth

Relative bottom depth of the sample (on the section).

MCD top

Corrected depth for the top of the sample (calculated as Top depth + MCD offset of the core run).


Volume of the sample.


Location identifier, which is a shortcut for the core repository (according to IODP/ICDP convention).


Identifier of the sample request for this sample.

Request part

Identifier of the part of the sample request.


Initials of the data operator.

Sample date

Date and time when the sample was taken.


Remarks on the sample/sampling procedure.


The International GeoSample Number of the sample.

Concept/Feature: Core box

Definition: A box with subdivisions for storing core sections. This concept describes the layout and content of a core box, which in reverse describes the location of each core section.



Number of the expedition (see concept/feature Expedition).


Number of the site to which this core box belongs to (see concept/feature Site).


Character code of the borehole from which the drill core in this box was retrieved (see concept/feature Borehole).


Number of the core box.

Top slot

Number of the first slot of the box.

Bottom slot

Number of the last slot of the box.

Top depth

Driller's depth for the top of the top section in the core box. It is assumed that the boxes are filled consecutively, though not necessarily with continuous core (gaps occur, either due to core loss or uncored drilling intervals).

Bottom depth

Driller's depth of the bottom of the bottom core section of the core box.

MCD top

Corrected depth for the top of the top section in the core box (calculated as Top depth + MCD offset of the respective core run).

MCD Bottom

Corrected depth for the bottom of the bottom core section of the core box (calculated as Bottom depth + MCD offset of the respective core run).

Top core

Core run number for the top section of the core box.

Top section

Section number for the top section of the core box.

Bottom core

Core run number for the bottom section of the core box.

Bottom section

Section number for the bottom section of the core box.

Archiving date

Archiving date of the core box.

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