๐ Decoding vehicle identification number
Build the binary
Start postgres
docker-compose up -Vd
Run sql migrations
migrate -source file://migrations -database postgres://postgres:password@\?sslmode=disable up
Run the web server
For example, you get information about this amazing Tesla Model X
http http://localhost:8080/api/v1/vin-decoder/5YJXCCE40GF010543
"vehicle": {
"check_digit": true,
"country": "United States",
"manufacturer": "Tesla, Inc.",
"region": "North America",
"serial": "010543",
"year": 2016
"vin": {
"vds": "XCCE40",
"vis": "GF010543",
"wmi": "5YJ"
Project released under the terms of the MIT license.