Orchestra is a pipeline for genetic ancestry inference using deep learning. This README provides setup and usage instructions.
Download and process reference FASTA files (~600MB) from NCBI:
for chr in {1..22}; do
# Download chromosome files
wget --timestamping https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/001/405/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_assembly_structure/Primary_Assembly/assembled_chromosomes/FASTA/chr$chr.fna.gz
# Process files
bgzip -d chr$chr.fna.gz
head -n 1 chr$chr.fna > header
sed -e 's/[NRWYMKBSV]/A/g' -e '1d' -e 'y/actg/ACTG/' chr$chr.fna > chr$chr.fa
cat header chr$chr.fa > data/fasta/$chr.fa
# Cleanup
rm header chr$chr.fa chr$chr.fna
The following files are required:
File/Directory | Description |
data/fasta/*.fa |
Chromosome FASTA files (chr1-22) |
reference_files/QC_ancestry_associated_SNP_set.hg38.keep |
QC ancestry-associated SNP set |
reference_files/Ancestry_regions.hg38.txt |
Ancestry regions defined for our custom panel |
data/toy_example/Source_panel.vcf.gz |
Source panel for simulation |
data/toy_example/SampleTable.forTraining.txt |
Population structure definitions |
data/toy_example/Admixed_Mexicans.target_panel.vcf.gz |
Test data for inference |
FASTA Files (*.fa)
- One file per chromosome (chr1.fa to chr22.fa)
- Contains reference genome sequence
- Processed from NCBI reference files
Ancestry SNP Set (QC_ancestry_associated_SNP_set.hg38.keep)
- Space-separated text file
- Contains 1,202,443 ancestry-informative variants
- Format:
- Based on hg38/GRCh38 assembly
Ancestry Regions (Ancestry_regions.hg38.txt)
- Tab-separated text file
- Defines genomic regions for ancestry analysis
- Format:
- Based on hg38/GRCh38 assembly
Source Panel (Source_panel.vcf.gz)
- Compressed VCF format
- Contains genetic variants for simulation
- Required fields: CHROM, POS, ID, REF, ALT, QUAL, FILTER, INFO
Sample Map (SampleTable.forTraining.txt)
- Tab-separated values
- Defines population structure
- Required columns: Sample ID, Population, Super Population
export EXPERIMENT_NAME="example-0.01"
make build
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/data:/data \
-v $(pwd)/results:/results \
orchestra simulation\
-sc 1 -ec 22 \
-sp /data/toy_example/Source_panel.vcf.gz \
-sm /data/toy_example/SampleTable.forTraining.txt \
-t "random" \
-nt 2 \
-o /results/simulation
Simulation Parameters
Parameter | Description |
-sc , --start-chromosome |
Start chromosome number |
-ec , --end-chromosome |
End chromosome number |
-sp , --source-panel |
Source panel VCF path |
-sm , --sample-map |
Sample map TSV path |
-v , --version |
Version identifier |
-t , --type |
Simulation type |
-nt , --num-threads |
Number of threads |
-o , --output |
Output directory |
Process chromosomes in pairs (smallest 19-22 chromosomes grouped together):
for chr in "1 2" "3 4" "5 6" "7 8" "9 10" "11 12" "13 14" "15 16" "17 18" "19 22"; do
start_chr=$(echo $chr | cut -d' ' -f1)
end_chr==$(echo $chr | cut -d' ' -f2)
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/data:/data \
-v $(pwd)/results:/results \
orchestra training \
-sd /results/simulation \
-sc $start_chr \
-ec $end_chr \
-ws 600 \
-l 3 \
-e 100 \
-o /results/training
echo "✓ Completed chromosomes $start_chr-$end_chr"
Training Parameters
Parameter | Description |
-sd , --simulation-dir |
Simulation data directory |
-sc , --start-chromosome |
Start chromosome |
-ec , --end-chromosome |
End chromosome |
-ws , --window-size |
Processing window size |
-l , --level |
Model complexity level |
-o , --output |
Output directory |
-v , --version |
Version identifier |
-e , --epochs |
Training epochs |
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/data:/data \
-v $(pwd)/results:/results \
orchestra inference \
-p /data/toy_example/Admixed_Mexicans.target_panel.vcf.gz \
-m /results/training/$EXPERIMENT_NAME \
-o /results/inference
Inference Parameters
Parameter | Description |
-p , --panel |
Inference panel path |
-o , --output |
Output directory |
-m , --model |
Trained model directory |
- Lerga-Jaso, J., Novković, B., Unnikrishnan, D., Bamunusinghe, V., Hatorangan, M.R., Manson, C., Pedersen, H., Osama, A., Terpolovsky, A., Bohn, S., De Marino, A., Mahmoud, A.A., Bircan, K.O., Khan, U., Grabherr, M.G., Yazdi, P.G. Retracing Human Genetic Histories and Natural Selection Using Precise Local Ancestry Inference. bioRxiv 2023.09.11.557177; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.11.557177
- Cuadros-Espinoza, S., Laval, G., Quintana-Murci, L., Patin, E. The genomic signatures of natural selection in admixed human populations. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 109, 710-726 (2022). doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2022.02.011; pmid: 35259336
This software is provided free of charge for academic research use only. Any use by commercial entities, for-profit organizations, or consultants is strictly prohibited without prior authorization. For inquiries about commercial licensing, contact [email protected].