This julia package computes permittivities and refractive indices for usual materials. This is very much work in progress.
- Introduce struct for Au, Sic, Al
- Making the names consistent with their chemical formula
The API is not very consistent yet. Especially the way materials are exported. Some are exported as singleton types (Al(),Au(),Sic()), others as constants (Cu).
You need Julia version 0.6.4 or higher.
To install on julia 0.7 or higher, enter the Pkg mode by typing ] and then when installing from gitlab
or if you use the github repository
(v1.0)> add
(v1.0)> add
This is an example of the usage for gold. The functions presented take as arguments the material, here gold and the frequency in rad/s.
julia> permittivity(Au(),1e15)
-172.92729201753394 + 20.04870903024803im
julia> refractive_index(Au(),1e15)
0.7610244413149028 + 13.17218471696372im
julia> skin_depth(Au(),1e15)