This web interface communicates with the Arduino using GET/HEAD/POST requests in one direction, and SSE in the other direction.
The Arduino serves as both a web server and an SSE server.
Uses for base64 decoding.
There is no documentation yet, but the least you need to do to get it to work is this:
- Edit the wifi_secrets.h to use your own WiFi SSID and password;
- Edit line 19 of webserver.ino to the IP adress you want your Arduino to have.
To start things up, point your web browser at the IP address you chose; the Arduino will serve up the interface.
Note that interface3.html (with a g-meter gauge) is included in webserver.ino as a base64-encoded gzip of said interface3.html; the interface*.html files have only been included so you can have a look at them.
Almost forgot: if you want to see something happen, put a LED on pin 12 😎 (but don't pull more than 7mA).
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