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Merge pull request #201 from ocaml/fix_type_signature
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Cleanup main type signature
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nojb authored Jun 19, 2020
2 parents ebcabb0 + 7ffb0a0 commit 30ec2f5
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Showing 12 changed files with 432 additions and 319 deletions.
299 changes: 159 additions & 140 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,184 +1,203 @@
module Attributes =
module Attributes = struct
type t =
id: string option;
classes: string list;
attributes: (string * string) list;

let empty = {id=None; classes=[]; attributes=[]}

module Link_def =
type 'a t =
let empty =
label: 'a;
destination: string;
title: string option;
attributes: Attributes.t;
id = None;
classes = [];
attributes = [];

module Block_list = struct
type kind =
| Ordered of int * char
| Unordered of char

type style =
| Loose
| Tight

type 'block t =
type 'a link_def =
kind: kind;
style: style;
blocks: 'block list list;
label: 'a;
destination: string;
title: string option;
attributes: Attributes.t;

type block_list_kind =
| Ordered of int * char
| Unordered of char

let same_block_list_kind k1 k2 =
match k1, k2 with
| Ordered (_, c1), Ordered (_, c2)
| Unordered c1, Unordered c2 -> c1 = c2
| _ -> false

type block_list_style =
| Loose
| Tight

type code_block_kind =
| Tilde
| Backtick

module type T = sig
type t

module Code_block = struct
type kind =
| Tilde
| Backtick
module MakeBlock (Inline : T) = struct
type block_list =
kind: block_list_kind;
style: block_list_style;
blocks: t list list;

type t =
and code_block =
kind: kind option;
kind: code_block_kind option;
label: string option;
other: string option;
code: string option;
attributes: Attributes.t;

module Heading = struct
type 'block t =
and heading =
level: int;
text: 'block;
text: Inline.t;
attributes: Attributes.t;

module Def_list = struct
type 'a elt = { term : 'a; defs : 'a list }
type 'a t =
content: 'a elt list
and def_elt =
term: Inline.t;
defs: Inline.t list;

module Tag_block = struct
type 'block t =
tag: string;
content: 'block list;
attributes: Attributes.t
and def_list =
content: def_elt list

type 'a block =
| Paragraph of 'a
| List of 'a block Block_list.t
| Blockquote of 'a block list
| Thematic_break
| Heading of 'a Heading.t
| Code_block of Code_block.t
| Html_block of string
| Link_def of string Link_def.t
| Def_list of 'a Def_list.t
| Tag_block of 'a block Tag_block.t

module Emph = struct
type kind =
| Normal
| Strong

type style =
| Star
| Underscore

type 'inline t =
style: style;
kind: kind;
content: 'inline;
and tag_block =
tag: string;
content: t list;
attributes: Attributes.t

module Code = struct
type t =
level: int;
content: string;
attributes: Attributes.t;
and t =
| Paragraph of Inline.t
| List of block_list
| Blockquote of t list
| Thematic_break
| Heading of heading
| Code_block of code_block
| Html_block of string
| Link_def of string link_def
| Def_list of def_list
| Tag_block of tag_block

let defs ast =
let rec loop acc = function
| List l -> List.fold_left (List.fold_left loop) acc l.blocks
| Blockquote l | Tag_block {content = l; _} -> List.fold_left loop acc l
| Paragraph _ | Thematic_break | Heading _
| Def_list _ | Code_block _ | Html_block _ -> acc
| Link_def def -> def :: acc
List.rev (List.fold_left loop [] ast)

type link_kind =
| Img
| Url

module Link = struct
type kind = link_kind
type emph_kind =
| Normal
| Strong

type 'inline t =
kind: kind;
def: 'inline Link_def.t;
type emph_style =
| Star
| Underscore

module Ref = struct
type kind = link_kind
module Inline = struct
type emph =
style: emph_style;
kind: emph_kind;
content: t;

type 'inline t =
kind: kind;
label: 'inline;
def: string Link_def.t;
and code =
level: int;
content: string;
attributes: Attributes.t;

and link =
kind: link_kind;
def: t link_def;

and ref =
kind: link_kind;
label: t;
def: string link_def;

and tag =
tag: string;
content: t;
attributes: Attributes.t

and t =
| Concat of t list
| Text of string
| Emph of emph
| Code of code
| Hard_break
| Soft_break
| Link of link
| Ref of ref
| Html of string
| Tag of tag

module Tag = struct
type 'inline t =
tag: string;
content: 'inline;
attributes: Attributes.t
module Raw = MakeBlock (String)

module Block = MakeBlock (Inline)

module MakeMapper (Src : T) (Dst : T) = struct
module SrcBlock = MakeBlock(Src)
module DstBlock = MakeBlock(Dst)

let rec map (f : Src.t -> Dst.t) : SrcBlock.t -> DstBlock.t = function
| SrcBlock.Paragraph x -> DstBlock.Paragraph (f x)
| List {kind; style; blocks} ->
List {kind; style; blocks = ( (map f)) blocks}
| Blockquote xs ->
Blockquote ( (map f) xs)
| Thematic_break ->
| Heading {level; text; attributes} ->
Heading {level; text = f text; attributes}
| Def_list {content} ->
let f {SrcBlock.term; defs} = {DstBlock.term = f term; defs = f defs} in
Def_list {content = f content}
| Tag_block {tag; content; attributes} ->
Tag_block {tag; content = (map f) content; attributes}
| Code_block {kind; label; other; code; attributes} ->
Code_block {kind; label; other; code; attributes}
| Html_block x ->
Html_block x
| Link_def x ->
Link_def x

type inline =
| Concat of inline list
| Text of string
| Emph of inline Emph.t
| Code of Code.t
| Hard_break
| Soft_break
| Link of inline Link.t
| Ref of inline Ref.t
| Html of string
| Tag of inline Tag.t

let rec map f = function
| Paragraph x -> Paragraph (f x)
| List l -> List {l with blocks = ( (map f)) l.blocks}
| Blockquote xs -> Blockquote ( (map f) xs)
| Thematic_break -> Thematic_break
| Heading h -> Heading {h with text = f h.text}
| Def_list l -> Def_list {content = (fun elt -> {Def_list.term = f elt.Def_list.term; defs = f elt.defs}) l.content}
| Tag_block t -> Tag_block {t with content = (map f) t.content}
| Code_block _ | Html_block _ | Link_def _ as x -> x

let defs ast =
let rec loop acc = function
| List l -> List.fold_left (List.fold_left loop) acc l.blocks
| Blockquote l | Tag_block {content = l; _} -> List.fold_left loop acc l
| Paragraph _ | Thematic_break | Heading _
| Def_list _ | Code_block _ | Html_block _ -> acc
| Link_def def -> def :: acc
List.rev (List.fold_left loop [] ast)
module Mapper = MakeMapper (String) (Inline)

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