5.1.0: query.file.path & friends in custom searches; Check your Custom Statuses!
What's Changed
π Most Notable
Please restart Obsidian after updating the plugin. Thank you.
Main changes
Here are the most notable user-visible changes.
π Custom filters and groups can access query.file.path
and friends directly
They no longer need {{
and }}
placeholders and quotes.
- See page Query Properties
For example:
filter by function task.file.folder.includes( query.file.folder )
- Find tasks in files in the folder that contains the query and any sub-folders.
filter by function task.file.folder === query.file.folder
- Find tasks in files in the folder that contains the query only (not tasks in any sub-folders).
π Check and visualise your Custom Statuses
- Using the 'Review and check your Statuses' button in Tasks' Status Settings.
- See page Check your Statuses
For example:
The commits:
- feat: Custom grouping accesses Query Properties directly, without Placeholders by @claremacrae in #2377
- feat: Custom filters access Query Properties directly, without Placeholders by @claremacrae in #2378
- feat: Enable visualisation of the Status settings by @claremacrae in #2383
- feat: Statuses report now shows a Status Settings table by @claremacrae in #2385
- feat: Enable logging configuration by @claremacrae in #2393 - thanks to @sytone for the initial code for this
- feat: Add optional debug logging of searches and file handling by @claremacrae in #2397
- feat: "Review and check your Statuses" now shows any problems by @claremacrae in #2399
- feat: Colour-code the Mermaid status diagrams for readability by @claremacrae in #2400
πͺ Fixes
- fix: Correct (unreleased) display of special chars in Mermaid status diagrams by @claremacrae in #2382
- fix: 'Add All Unknown Status Types' now sorts new statuses by symbol by @claremacrae in #2384
- fix: Allow indenting tasks while suggest popup present by @CamerAllan in #2362 - thanks also to @RyotaUshio for help on the Forum.
- fix: hide blockid in reading view by @theotheo in #2368
π Documentation
- docs: Update docs for 'filter by function' accessing query properties by @claremacrae in dfe0b99
- docs: Fix typo in grouping.md (filenameWithoutExtension) by @andrewmwhite in #2369
- docs: Document 'Review and check your Statuses' report by @claremacrae in #2406
- contrib: Try improving the 'Local development.md' formatting. by @claremacrae in 4c58280
- contrib: Cross-link between 'Local development.md' and 'Setting up build environment.md' by @claremacrae in b637e34
- vault: Remove the 'ASCII Tasks Table' from the Tasks-Demo vault by @claremacrae in 54e6bfd
π οΈ Behind the scenes
- chore: Update to ApprovalTests 6.2.4 by @claremacrae in c4f4750
- refactor: Introduce (empty) SearchInfo class by @claremacrae in #2373
- refactor: SearchInfo now contains list of tasks being searched by @claremacrae in #2374
- refactor: Add SearchInfo param to GrouperFunction by @claremacrae in #2376
- test: Add JestReporter as fallback diff tool - will help CI builds by @claremacrae in 95f2819
- test: Add AutoApprovingReporter, to update failing tests then review git diffs by @claremacrae in e014c72
- test: add task rendering HTML approval tests by @ilandikov in #2405
- test: include description and tags in Visualise HTML tests by @ilandikov in #2407
New Contributors
- @andrewmwhite made their first contribution in #2369
- @CamerAllan made their first contribution in #2362
- @theotheo made their first contribution in #2368
Full Changelog (including changes too small to note above, and that do not affect the behaviour of the plugin itself):
π Support Tasks development