The Band Game is an easy and fun way to spend time with friends on road/ferry/plane trips.
Rules of the game are simple:
- Come up with a name of a band that you for sure know exists.
- Same as above, but starting with the last letter of the previous band
Embreach -> Helevorn -> Ne Obliviscaris ... and so on.
That's it!
Optional house rules:
- If no one can come up with any bands starting with a given letter, it may be deemed a wildcard letter and any band can be named next
- A time limit of some sort may be applied to keep the ball rolling.
- Try to fill up your entire alphabet with at least one artist.
- If an artist performs under the names "Artist" and "Artist and the Bandnames" both are expended upon the first being used, e.g. John Doe vs John Doe and the Anonymous.