Changed setting of default working directory for process invocations
Changed Logger.Log
to Logger.Normal
Added NukeBuild.Execute
overload without default target
Added ContinueOnFailure
and AssuredAfterFailure
as target definition methods
Added AbsolutePath
extensions for GlobDirectories/Files
Added AggregateException
handling to show number as prefix when flattening
Added AnsiColorOutputSink
for Bitrise, TeamCity, Travis, TeamServices
Added ProjectModelTasks.ParseProject
based on Microsoft.Build
Added LocalExecutableAttribute
Added degreeOfParallelism
and completeOnFailure
for combinatorial invocations
Added [Tool]Tasks.[Tool]Logger
as settable field for custom logging
Added VerbosityMappingAttribute
Added format-property map for CLI tasks
Fixed EnsureCleanDirectory
to only clean instead of delete and recreate
Fixed TeamCityOutputSink
to not report errors as build problems
Fixed SolutionAttribute
to resolve first by constructor argument
Fixed Xunit2ParallelOption
to use lower-case text
You can’t perform that action at this time.