A curated list of open source projects used in nuclear science and engineering.
- BART — Finite-element, discrete ordinates code developed by UC-Berkeley
- Dragon — Lattice code developed by Polytechnique Montreal
- OpenMC — Monte Carlo neutron/photon transport code
- OpenMOC — Method of characteristics code
- Warp - Monte Carlo neutron transport code on GPUs
- ACE Format — Documentation of the ACE format
- csg2csg — Tool to translate between different CSG types
- DAGMC — Direct accelerated geometry Monte Carlo toolkit
- serpent-tools — Python-based tool suite for Serpent
- EMPIRE — Nuclear reaction model code
- FRENDY — Nuclear data processing
- FUDGE — Python-based nuclear data processing
- NJOY21 — Nuclear data processing
- PREPRO — Nuclear data processing
- SANDY — Sampling tool for nuclear data
- Cyclus — Nuclear fuel cycle simulator
- MOOSE — Finite-element, multiphysics framework
- Okapi — OpenMC wrapped as a MOOSE app
- ENRICO — Monte Carlo + CFD coupling application
- PyNE — Python/C++ nuclear engineering toolkit
- ARMI — Reactor analysis automation framework
- LaTeX classes and BibTeX style for ANS publications