A tool for checking if assets for a given git commit exist in an S3 bucket and, if not, uploading the (externally) generated assets once they have been created.
This is designed to be run in a CI/CD pipeline, using a Docker container, built from Dockerfile.
- PACKAGE_ASSETS_BUCKET: The name of the S3 bucket in which to store the assets.
- GIT_REPO_PATH: The path at which the script will find the root of the git repository. Defaults to ./repo
- CODE_HASH_FIND_FILTER: Setting this enables caching. Takes a Unix style pathname pattern expansion to determine what files to include in the code hash (see caching below). Defaults to None / Disabled
- PACKAGE_DIRECTORY: The directory in which the scripts will store metadata, and check for assets to be uploaded. The contents of this path must persist between pipeline tasks. Defaults to ./packages
The check stage, to be run first:
- task: check-for-packages
GIT_REPO_PATH: "./repo-name"
<<: *aws_creds
platform: linux
type: docker-image
repository: ghcr.io/nsmithuk/s3-asset-manager
- name: repo
- name: packages
path: check
The upload stage, to be run last:
- task: upload-packages
<<: *aws_creds
platform: linux
type: docker-image
repository: ghcr.io/nsmithuk/s3-asset-manager
- name: packages
path: upload
Check first determines the commit hash of the git repository. It expects the root of the git repository to be
found at the path defined by GIT_REPO_PATH
It then checks in the S3 bucket, defined by PACKAGE_ASSETS_BUCKET
, for if there are any objects with the key prefix
Then check assume the assets have already been built and uploaded.
It flags this by touching the path $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/.found
Then check assumes that either:
- The assets need building and uploading; or
- If caching is enabled, we can copy the assets out of the cache (see caching below).
After check finishes running, if the file $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/.found
does not exist, following tasks should
assume they need to build and upload the assets.
First upload checks if the file $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/.found
exists. If so it assumes it has nothing to do and exits.
Otherwise it uploads all the (non-hidden) files found in $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/
into S3,
under the key prefix artifacts/<commit-hash>/
If caching is enabled, a copy of the assets are also stored under the path cache/<code-hash>
In addition to storing a version of the packages under the commit hash, a 'cached' version of the assets can also be stored under a code hash - a md5 hash of all the files that make up the assets. This code hash is generated by including all files defined by the pattern passed in CODE_HASH_FIND_FILTER
If caching is enabled, when check
runs, if it cannot find a match for the commit hash, it goes ahead and generates the code hash for the current commit. If no changes have been made to the files defined in CODE_HASH_FIND_FILTER
since the last build, then check
will take the cached assets and copy them into the commit hash directory. If successful, the build can then be skipped.
To run a check:
docker run -it --rm \
-e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-2" \
-e PACKAGE_ASSETS_BUCKET="test-bucket-name" \
-v "${PWD}:/app" \
-v "${PWD}/local-repo:/repo" \
-w "/app" \
ghcr.io/nsmithuk/s3-asset-manager:latest check
To run an upload:
docker run -it --rm \
-e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-2" \
-e PACKAGE_ASSETS_BUCKET="test-bucket-name" \
-v "${PWD}:/app" \
-v "${PWD}/local-repo:/repo" \
-w "/app" \
ghcr.io/nsmithuk/s3-asset-manager:latest upload
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.